1994 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer, how many speeds? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer, how many speeds?


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May 23, 2006
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Recently I've been having transmission trouble with a 1994 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition. The problem was that the car would suddenly downshift going at high speeds. Now, the mechanic says that there are only 4 gears, and that it's shifting into all gears, but I would swear on my life there are 5. Who's right?

I know there are 5 because at 75mph I used to be at 2500rpm, but now it's shot up to over 3000rpm, and going slower speed. It's missing a gear, but the mechanic thinks I'm an idiot. Does the 1994 Eddie Bauer edition come with an optional 5-speed automatic? Thanks!

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you might be mistaking the torque converter clutch lock-up as a fifth gear. my X feels like it has 6 sometimes. if you traveling at high speed with the pedal most of the way down the tranny might downshift to maintain the speed if it feels it is necessary. having a truck aerodynamic like a building means your going to need a lot of power to keep high speeds up and if the load and throttle position tell the pcm its time for a downshift it'll do it, at the very least it'll unlock the TC clutch. i ran a trip to missouri a couple months back and the head wind was strong enough the TC kept un-locking and locking again for like 300 miles. i think you may just be paranoid as i am about shifting points of the auto, but you may very well have a problem at the same time. could be nothing but your mind, or the TC, or the TCC solindoid.

There might be 4, the overdrive is just an extra gear with-in the gears to lessen RPM. switch the OD off and count. (Although I could be wrong)

a4ld is 4 speed

the shifter selector has 1, 2, D, OD

As doubtincarnate indicated, the A4LD is a 4 speed automatic transmission with a locking torque converter clutch (TCC). There are six available "positions:" 1-TCC unlock, 2-TCC unlock, 3-TCCunlock, 3-TCClock, 4-TCCunlock, 4-TCClock. (3-TCClock doesn't often occur when the selector is in OD, but it is possible.) Your A4LD can "feel" like a 5 speed, but that 5th speed is just the TCC locking.

Your technician said the transmission was going through all four gears, did he indicate if the TCC was locking when it should?

MrShorty said:
As doubtincarnate indicated, the A4LD is a 4 speed automatic transmission with a locking torque converter clutch (TCC). There are six available "positions:" 1-TCC unlock, 2-TCC unlock, 3-TCCunlock, 3-TCClock, 4-TCCunlock, 4-TCClock. (3-TCClock doesn't often occur when the selector is in OD, but it is possible.) Your A4LD can "feel" like a 5 speed, but that 5th speed is just the TCC locking.

Your technician said the transmission was going through all four gears, did he indicate if the TCC was locking when it should?

The truck has 125k miles on it, and the transmission fluid was changed 4mo ago. Now when you say it has 4-TCClock, that's what I used to feel when it hit 55mph and the RPM dropped? So it is going through all the gears but not going into the last position?

Anyways, they've rebuilt the transmission, and it's still not fixed. I also called my mechanic and told him about the tcc, and he says it has nothing to do with it. I know my engine, I've driven it for 7 years, and it's always been 2500rpm at 75mph, and I could always feel that "shift." I don't feel the shift anymore, and the truck runs 3000rpm at 70mph. How do I explain to this mechanic that something is still wrong? He won't believe me, and now that I've already paid the exhorbitent amount of $2400, I want this fixed!

If I'm cruising in my Green `93 X (Auto, 4WD) the TCC will ALWAYS kick-in @ EXACLTY 45mph....not 44, not 46...ALWAYS 45.....when I'm at or near WOT, it doesn't.....

