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5R55E external sensors


Active Member
April 24, 2011
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98 explorer eddie bauer
Just how many external sensors does the 5R55E have i know of the drum sensor and the DTR is there another one.

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The 97 has three, and one internal.
I have a photo if you want it.

numerous sensors

According to my ATSG manual:

Trans Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS) sensor
Digital Transmission Range (DTR) sensor
Transmission Overdrive Drum Speed (ODS) sensor
Transmission Output Shaft Speed (OSS) sensor
Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) sensor

I seem to recall that the vehicle speed sensor is not part of the transmission

According to my ATSG manual:

Trans Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS) sensor
Digital Transmission Range (DTR) sensor
Transmission Overdrive Drum Speed (ODS) sensor
Transmission Output Shaft Speed (OSS) sensor
Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) sensor

I seem to recall that the vehicle speed sensor is not part of the transmission

The ODS i'm not worried about on the 97 explorer Ford modified that on a recall they just cut the plug and wired them.Due to sending false pulses to the PCM.

My friend, the ODS is marked, and the OSS is the one you can see in the back.

My friend, the ODS is marked, and the OSS is the one you can see in the back.

thanks i was going to check the test the oss sensor and do a band adjustment but seems at idle in park there a noise comming from the torque converter area like a metal clank with a exhaust leak sound so off to find a trans

at idle in park there a noise comming from the torque converter area like a metal clank with a exhaust leak sound

Yeah, mine had a bad noise coming from there, screeching & howling, like two cats getting ready to have the sex.
Best wishes.

The ODS i'm not worried about on the 97 explorer Ford modified that on a recall they just cut the plug and wired them.Due to sending false pulses to the PCM.

What exactly was involved in the recall and what kind of things can go wrong if not done? I just bought a '97 Ex and don't know if the recall was performed. Thanks.

What exactly was involved in the recall and what kind of things can go wrong if not done? I just bought a '97 Ex and don't know if the recall was performed. Thanks.

The drum sensor the just cut the plug and wired the two and made sure they wouldn't come apart.It send false info to the pcm making the trans act up.It's also on alldata best bet to call a dealer near you give them the VIN or just look at the drum sensor if it isn't hook-up and you can't see the plug then it was done.

The drum sensor the just cut the plug and wired the two and made sure they wouldn't come apart.It send false info to the pcm making the trans act up.It's also on alldata best bet to call a dealer near you give them the VIN or just look at the drum sensor if it isn't hook-up and you can't see the plug then it was done.

If the recall hasnt been complied with, will this sensor cause the tranny to slip? It runs fine until it begains to try to go into OD, then it slips as if the clutches are gone out. I changed the Filter, The Fluid, and the three Solenoids. When it begains to slip I pull over shut the enging off, wait a few minutes, restart, and everything is fine for a few miles.but then starts all over again after a few miles.

If the recall hasnt been complied with, will this sensor cause the tranny to slip? It runs fine until it begains to try to go into OD, then it slips as if the clutches are gone out. I changed the Filter, The Fluid, and the three Solenoids. When it begains to slip I pull over shut the enging off, wait a few minutes, restart, and everything is fine for a few miles.but then starts all over again after a few miles.

I'm having a very similar issue with my 97 (4.0, SOHC), except that it doesn't have to be in OD. At freeway speeds, often just after braking or when I go down a hill, the tranny will suddenly 'slip' out of gear. I have to put it in N and get to the side of the road. A couple of minutes later after idling, I can put it back in D and be fine for a few miles. Then it happens again. Any ideas?

Could be that the forward clutch is cooked. Lots of miles on the trans?

Could be that the forward clutch is cooked. Lots of miles on the trans?

Yes...181K with no troubles with it 'til this point... Always serviced every 30K, etc...
