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5R55W Fluid Fill

Sight glass for the 5R55W.


This is an explaination of what this is:
5R55W Fluid level sight glass!
This is a very simple, and inexpensive setup to fill, and verify the level of a transmission that does not have a dipstick. All of the fittings are 1/8" NPT consisting of a tee, 2 ball valves, 2 close nipples, 2 2-inch nipples, and a spark plug boot from a 3.8L GM. The clear plastic hose is 5/16", and was attached to the other fittings w/ a tubing fitting that has a little button that you can press to release the tubing. This makes it easy for attaching to the transmission, and for storage.
I used loctite on all of fittings, and super glued the spark plug boot onto one of the 2-inch nipples. Our fill gun fits perfectly into the boot.

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Anyone got any new info on a deeper pan yet
This is the info that ive been looking for, it looks like i can do this in the comfort of my own frozen driveway.
If i read this right im going to need 6-7 qts of fluid and about 20 min of time.

ill take that as a no for right now, for the picture of the the fill sight glass anyone have an idea of where the clear tube is going?

It looks like it's not "going" but more likely coming from a new ATF source... This new fluid is pumped in the tranny.

Difference in drain and fill volume

I recently decided to drain and fill the tranmission pan on my 2002 two wheel drive Explorer.

When I removed the whole drain plug, approximately 2 1/3 quarts of fluid came out. I understand that this is the amount that you would normally expect.

However, after replacing the whole plug and inserting my 1/8 fitting in the center of the plug, I could only put back in approximately 1 quart. 1 1/3 quart drained back out when I tried to replace the whole 2 1/3 quarts that originally came out.

This was with the transmission warm and engine running.

Any ideas?


Transmission fill trick

I figured out the transmission fluid fill issue and developed a trick to keep things cleaner.

When the transmission is cold, you will get out about 2 and 1/2 quarts out of the complete drain plug. There is another 1 and 1/2 quarts still in the pan that you cannot get out.

What you do is first drain out the 2 and 1/2 quarts and then drop the pan and remove the remaining 1 and 1/2 quarts. You can now remove all of sludge from the magnet inside the pan.

Replace the complete drain plug. Secure the drain pan loosely to the transmission. Slide the hose from your fluid pump between the transmission and the pan. Pump 4 quarts back into the pan. Tighten all of the mounting bolts slowly and evenly so the pan does not tilt.

You have to do this a few times since much of the fluid remains within the transmission.

Changing the filter in this process is optional.

Just did this on my '05 2WD. I used the fitting into the drain plug with the quart hand pump. Couple of things. What a freaking mess !! After draining, pan still had a lot of fluid in it which I promptly spilled every bit of. Filter had fluid in it which again I spilled. Trans continued to leak fluid while the pan was off and the filter was out. I drained about 4 quarts and spilled prob another 1 qt. I put 5 quarts back in. Make sure engine is running while checking the level and also run the gear selector through all gears a few times as that made a difference in the level.

VERY Slight Tranny Plug Drip

I'm looking for someone to put my mind at ease about a tranny service I recently had done on my 2003 Mountianeer.

Shortly after the service was performed, I noticed that the transimssion drain plug was dripping a bit. The service advisor at the dealership where I had the work done said this was normal because of the overfill required to fill the thing and it should stop after a few days. However, the dripping didn't stop and, since I was away on vacation, another dealership tightened the plug.

That STILL didn't fully stop the problem and the plug continued to drip, but *much* slower--about one or two drips over a 24 period. When I returned from vacation I took it back to the dealership doing the initial service and they changed the plug. That was a week ago...

Now, I've noticed that the plug let's loose with a really small, single drip after the car has been driven for awhile. During regular driving the plug, while not soaked, does feel slightly "sweaty" and greasy. Is this something that will eventually go away or will it become a bigger problem over time? What's the maximum I could loose over time from the plug? I really don't want to keep bugging the folks at the dealership if I'm just being paranoid and this isn't a major issue... :confused: (I'd feel a lot better if this thing had a @#$% dipstick).

Sorry for being sorry wordy--and thanks!

hey i heard a wired rubbing nosie from truck and dont kno whats causeing it i wne to check the tranny fulid and can't do it cause good ol ford put it under the truck lol well if any one has idea to what the nosie or how to fill the tranny easier then haveing to use this 'tool'

I am having some slight issues with the trans on mine... after reading all the above, I actually do have a dip stick... i thought my trans was the 5R55E... anyhow...

I got this lucas oil, and wanted to put that in to see if it helps, but I dont want to over fill. Is there a way to drain some fluid out to make room for the lucas? I was told i'd have to remove the pan... Would I have a drain bolt or something somewhere on my trans?

hmm... im not familiar with a cooler on mine? ill take a look though. good thinkin!

well, i got around to removing some fluid to make room for the Lucas. I found a coolant line that ran from the trans to the radiator, but i think it was anti-freeze line??? i dont know, so i didnt mess...

I ran a small hose down the dip stick tube, and pumped out the fluid that way, however was only able to get about two quarts out... (luckily that was all i needed!) the tube does not go down all the way (apparently). Then, filled the lucas oil into the dip stick tube. Seemed to work ok, took a bit of time though getting the lucus in... it was like watching honey go down a drinking straw!! that stuff is THICK! hope to see some improvements.... ill be sure to leave some feedback.


GLacier and JE5,

Not sure if this was what you all were asking for, :confused: but here are some underbody pics of the clearance, and a spare pan gasket I have that shows the bolt hole pattern.
Not real good pics, but best I can do on my back. ;)


you guys are the best;i have a over drive light that starts flashing well im driving,the dealer said to flush my transmission and change my filter.this is all good info thanks.the part #6604 by otc-do you have web-address..?

I have posted above about the lucas oil... here is the results. nothing.

The problem is when I am cruising (constant speed, flat ground), the transmission drops power.. almost like its about to down shift, but never does. you can feel it let go for a split second then grab again. there is no problems accelerating, or even using low range and climbing hills... no slips at all. just the criusing problem.

I dont mean to go off topic from this forum, but I have not found anyone that has even heard of this problem. I was told by a mechanic that flushing the tranny could risk eating away what is left of the clutch plates from the new fluid.

to keep on topic anyhow: Getting the fluid out up the dip stick was a huge success if any of you out there have a dipstick. I used a bucket, ran a thin hose down the dip, into the bucket lid. Hooked up my shop vac to the lid aswell. sealed everything up, and turned on the vac. The fluid came right out and into the bucket. Lucas oil did not fix it, so im still searching for a solution... other than re-building or replacing.

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The manual says trans capacity is 12.7 quarts so there must be a ton still in the lines and converter. Topping up and refilling seems like a lot of work and money. There is a rubber cover in the bellhousing where you can access the converter drain plug, just turn the converter carefully with a screwdriver until it is lined up.
