5th Gen Explorer Photo Thread | Page 20 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5th Gen Explorer Photo Thread

Interesting chrome delete on this one.
If you mean mine, thank you. It will get darker as I continue, hence my user name. So far in the blackout/delete journey I've swapped out the factory wheels for matte black Pro Comps, swapped out the blue ovals for black on black, tinted the windows, removed all of the factory badges, and removed the lettering off of the hood. Next will be tinting the fog lights and the rear light lenses.

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My '15 XLT. Just hit 180,000 miles. Stock other than led headlights, k&n drop-in, chromed grill bars & wheel covers (or chrome simulators as the super duty guys would call them)


Bro can you please give me all details of rims and tires and lowering springs what all did you do to make it look so good
Mine is so plain I kinda wanna go for the look you have

Bro can you please give me all details of rims and tires and lowering springs what all did you do to make it look so good
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I hope the member is still around. He was last seen here on May 23, 2023.
Check out that thread for more pics.


Bro can you please give me all details of rims and tires and lowering springs what all did you do to make it look so good

Thanks Tim! Haven't checked on here in a while lol BUT Peterk9 sent you to the right thread its got my details on the build 17x9 +20 with A/T tires

as for suspension its actually on stock suspension, it rubs now on bigger tires then I had previously before

also....getting dilled and slotted rotors (black) and painted calipers soon. will post more pics soon!
