6" superlift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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6" superlift


June 8, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
dearborn heights michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 sport
ok guys i just wanted to know is the superlift 6" actaully 6 inches or is it 5.5"....my second question is is it hard to install it myself im waiting for some money to come monday and i am going to order it evertime i see this truck i cant wait to get it http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118585 and if anyone has this lift and has pics please posr um im gonna be installing mine on my 92 sport thanks guys

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Ah yeah SVOs Explorer. :thumbsup: If you buy an all Superlift kit you'll get 5.5" of lift kit. I didn't read his write up but I'm guessing he's using Skyjackers 6" coils with there extended radius arms with Superlift drop brackets.

Its pretty easy if you have mechanical skills. You'll be drilling some on the front for brackets and such but on the rear when you do your SOA kit on it you'll be doing some welding back there. All pretty easy. Just get it aligned after your done with it.

does any other company make a 6" lift or bigger for my 92 sport besides superlift?

the lift companies dont make anythign bigger than 6" for an explorer... however you can add ext ranger coils to it, and get more lift or do daystar or similar spacers to the front end.... you might have issues with alignment though if you start going bigger than 6"

why do you need that much lift? normally the d35 cant handle bigger than 35s, it can, under the right driver, but 35s compromises its strength....

6" should allow 35s if you do some fenderwall trimming....

cause i want big brother i have such a passion for trucks lifted lowered anything besides gangstered out rides cant stand them lol but i want it big i got a 9" rear for it but im not putting it in right now till i get a solid front but i guess for right now i for the front what do i need to lift it coil springs ill get the skyjacker coils some shocks would it be cheeper to buy the parts seprate or just buy the superlift 6" since skyjacker has the 6" coil spring do they make a 6" lift kit for it or is that only superlift thanks for all the help guys still wanna see some pics if you dont mind thanks matt
