6 weeks for service? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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6 weeks for service?


Well-Known Member
March 20, 2016
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Seattle, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Explorer Sport
It's been a while since posting on the forum. But now I have a question. My rack & pinion is making nose at low speed (clunking) it's still under warranty (7-year premium care) and the dealers around me are making appointments for September. That's 6 weeks out! Is anyone else experiencing this kind if issue? any suggestions?

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It's been a while since posting on the forum. But now I have a question. My rack & pinion is making nose at low speed (clunking) it's still under warranty (7-year premium care) and the dealers around me are making appointments for September. That's 6 weeks out! Is anyone else experiencing this kind if issue? any suggestions?
These are not normal times. I've read several posts like yours here. Fortunately, my dealer is in a small town and the longest I've had wait for an appointment is a few days at most.


Repairing my Kia is supposed to take 60 days. I’m daily driving the Mounty, which has been brutal.

Just a quick update. I called Ford customer care and explained; The dealer I bought the explorer was sold, the dealer that bought it has now closed up for good and now the 3 dealers within 35 miles are all on a 6 week wait for service. After explaining my problem to 3 people, I may have a solution. Ford's extended warranty will pay for repairs in an emergency, like out on the road for safety repairs or if Ford cannot do the repairs in a timely manor. I will have to pay the repair shop, take the paid invoice to a Ford dealer and they will submit the paperwork for reimbursement from Ford's extended warranty department.

I think 6 weeks would qualify as NOT being timely when it comes to steering

Local repair shops are also out quite a while before they want you to bring your vehicle into them.

I stopped in at a friends shop 2 weeks ago to get some work done on my Ford diesel and the soonest that he could get to it is next week, so about 3 weeks out.

Local repair shops are also out quite a while before they want you to bring your vehicle into them.

I stopped in at a friends shop 2 weeks ago to get some work done on my Ford diesel and the soonest that he could get to it is next week, so about 3 weeks out.

I understand that, BUT even 3 weeks is better that Ford's 6 weeks. Now I have to hope the parts are in-stock at Ford! I guess if you need repairs done this is the wrong time with COVID and everyone working from home or not wanting to work at all :oops:

Another up-date: A local Les Schawb can install the new rack & pinion........... BUT (2 buts) the new rack & pinion has to be programed by a Ford dealer and a dealer did a search for the rack & pinion and none are available in the country.

I thought about trading the 2016 in for a new explorer, but with my luck lately I would buy a lemon and it would need service the day after buying it (then I would be on a waiting list for another 6 weeks).

So I will have to just shut up and take it.... something I'm noy used too or to happy about about.

Just a quick update regarding my Sport's rack and pinion issues.
I have been to the dealer 3 times in the last 3 months and each time they say they have no record of my past visit's (no paperwork in the computer). I called Ford's Premium Care and they say that the dealer never made a claim for the repairs. They did advise me to go to a Lincoln dealer, when I told them I have been going to a Ford/Lincoln dealer all she could say is sorry they have no control over the dealers. She did say even though the parts are on back order Ford will allow the dealer to replace the rack & pinion with a rebuilt after market part. I bought the warranty so they would be a Ford part not a rebuilt after market part.

I really liked my Explorer Sport, I just don't like the dealers around me since the dealer I bought the car from since they sold the dealership and the new owner closed the dealership permanently. The weakest link with a Ford is the dealers, some are good and others are just plain crap!

After my 3rd visit to the dealership I made the decision to dump the Ford and buy a new Mercedes Benz. I have one more post to make parsing Jack at Lombard Ford for his customer service, I had a few more months on my Ford extended warranty, I emailed Jack all the information and he canceled the warranty and gave me the amount of the refund I will be getting.

Peace and Love I'm done with Ford

Well, that sucks a big fat one. Too bad a bad dealer experience (or multiple) ruins the vehicle....well, obviously the rack doesn't help.

I'm sure some will come on here and say you 'upgraded' to a less reliable vehicle, but honestly, these days it's a roll of the dice.

Nobody should own a twin turbo transverse mounted v6 unless they are a mechanic or know somebody good who is haha

Mercedes are nice but unless its GLK63 or something like that my tuned Sport is flying past it 😎

Its my response to OP frustrating experiences at the Ford dealership with his former Sport and then buying a Mercedes 😎

Sarcasm ensued

Waiting WEEKS for an appointment (or eight months to get the vehicle into the transmission tech for me) is a major reason why I'm debating Ford ESP. If the rig is truly down, anything I save buying the ESP will be eaten up by renting a car. Except the big repairs of course.

I don't know. 🤷‍♂️

^ ?? Then if you don't get the ESP, you still have the wait time and still have the rental cost. I don't see how that factors into the equation, only whether you want to pay for an *insurance* policy because you would have others do the work instead of DIY so you are gambling about that.

In the past I would have stated that an insurance polity like this is a waste of money for average owners unless they had their heart set on a known, especially problematic vehicle, but times are changing, vehicles getting more complex and that's really up to you to decide, how much to DIY whether you know how already or want to invest the time to tackle each problem as it comes along.

It just comes with the territory when buying a modern vehicle, let alone an SUV. More to go wrong, and the use case, # of miles per year, etc. It also depends on what alternate transportation options you have... except for these crazy times where any random component could be backordered, you really need a crystal ball.

Back to my original statement, I'd just decide based on how much you are willing to put in the time to DIY repairs. That's largely what this forum is about.

^ ?? Then if you don't get the ESP, you still have the wait time and still have the rental cost. I don't see how that factors into the equation, only whether you want to pay for an *insurance* policy because you would have others do the work instead of DIY so you are gambling about that.

In the past I would have stated that an insurance polity like this is a waste of money for average owners unless they had their heart set on a known, especially problematic vehicle, but times are changing, vehicles getting more complex and that's really up to you to decide, how much to DIY whether you know how already or want to invest the time to tackle each problem as it comes along.

It just comes with the territory when buying a modern vehicle, let alone an SUV. More to go wrong, and the use case, # of miles per year, etc. It also depends on what alternate transportation options you have... except for these crazy times where any random component could be backordered, you really need a crystal ball.

Back to my original statement, I'd just decide based on how much you are willing to put in the time to DIY repairs. That's largely what this forum is about.
My independent shop has a 3-5 day wait for tech openings.

^ What are you stating? Does your indie shop get covered by the ESP? What is a "tech opening"?

It is like I have to fish for information, why?

Nevermind, it is still your choice cased on your having the relevant info.

You're a low man on a very high totem pole. I work at Toyota. My brother works at Ford. It's not unusual for our respective dealerships to put regular customers ahead of one time buyers. Especially when it comes to warranty work.

Case in point: A local pest control company has a fleet of Toyota trucks. The company owner comes in needing a replacement engine for one of his vehicles. The engine and his truck arrive the very next day. I installed the engine on day #2............. Day #3 a rep from the pest control company comes and drives away the truck. Toyota dealership takes in $4,900

Case in point: A local company which processes agricultural feed supplies has a fleet of F-250 SD trucks. One of their trucks burns up the transmission. The Ford dealership has a new transmission delivered in three days. The transmission was replaced the following day. The Ford dealership takes in $5,200

I might add that neither of these repairs were covered under manufacturer warranty. If they were covered under warranty, the acquisition of parts and the labor would have taken much longer.

These companies spend tens of thousands a year at the dealerships on repairs & maintenance, plus purchase a couple trucks per year..........who are the dealerships going to cater to?

Hell, I WORK in the service department, and my wait time was 5 weeks when my Land Cruiser needed a simple brake service.

Scumbag dealerships.

Money, money, money.
