91-09 Explorer 5" of lift for under 300.00 | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91-09 Explorer 5" of lift for under 300.00

im not sure, I don't know too much about 1st gens. You should find all the info you need by searching the phrase "F150 Coil Seats"

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you'll be able to do 2" suspension and align within specs, with an eccentric camber bushing. After that (4"+)you'll need drop brakets and Xtend brakelines and such.............. could do the budget lift or go with Summit Racing or such for aftermarket coils

Bumpbumpbump, PA 883 Bodylift Instructions Write-Up has been completed! http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=240957 Comments/suggestions are more than welcome! Please let me know how I did and recommend this for a sticky, I spent over 8 hours on the write-up alone! :D

PS. 99ex22 and gmanpaint, you guys were credited, lol! :salute:

OK....so my shocks squeak really bad and I need to get new ones. If I do the total lift of 5 in. what size of like a top brand shocks would I need? Someone said stock will work, but with the stock size they sag pretty bad from the weight of a full capacity of friends.:p: :banghead:

OK....so my shocks squeak really bad and I need to get new ones. If I do the total lift of 5 in. what size of like a top brand shocks would I need? Someone said stock will work, but with the stock size they sag pretty bad from the weight of a full capacity of friends.:p: :banghead:

I havent changed my stock shocks and I have over 150 lbs worth of subwoofers/equipment in my rear, and I still haven't seen any sag, so unless you're going offroad, you should be ok with stock shocks I think.

Ok...sweet, I'll get stock size but probably better shocks just for my sakes.:D I Do go offroad quite a bit...so they'll help.

quick question

I noticed at suspension connection that there was a kit for 2001-2008 however alot of you guys have used the 883 kit in that year range. 1st whats the diff and 2nd any issues? I only ask due to the fact that I have an 01 and am in the process of lifting it just trying to get a solid game plan ahead of time.

Thanks that was kinda confusing..... But yet a paper bag can be for me too......What?:rolleyes:

i so want to do this but knowing me and my luck i would F something up. i do want to do the tt and shaks though. in terms of the truck i have a 97 explorer awd. my radio recently got jacked and one of the wires came out of the wire connection for the 4wd switch which sucks cause now my 4wd wont come on grantit i have an awd but still

Quick question, if I do the 3" body lift do i have to do the torsion bars and the addaleaf and with those is that how that five inch lift is achieved?

Quick question, if I do the 3" body lift do i have to do the torsion bars and the addaleaf and with those is that how that five inch lift is achieved?

You don't necessarily need to do an AAL. The BL obviously gives you 3", but you do not have to do the TT/Shacks if you don't want to. The shackles lift the rear in the range of 1.5-2.5", thereabouts, and the TT is done to even out the front end with the rear. If you want the full 5", this is the cheapest (monetarily) route to go, but like I said, you don't have to do all these mods to make the others work.

Alright thanks

Hey, I love your mesage its very helpful. I was wondering if you knew if I have a 01 ford explorer sport, will the part # WAR-153 work for my rear leafsprings. The rear of my truck is sagging about an inch and I need to lvl it out. Please let me know.

Thank You!

Hey, I love your mesage its very helpful. I was wondering if you knew if I have a 01 ford explorer sport, will the part # WAR-153 work for my rear leafsprings. The rear of my truck is sagging about an inch and I need to lvl it out. Please let me know.

Thank You!

Yes, those are exactly the ones that you want to replace your stock shackles with.

hey, Im seriously considering ordering this body lift as soon as I get confirmation that it will work with my 01 ford explorer sport 4x4? I had read about the bolts that come with the kit dont work for it.

Im not going to be installing this lift kit due to no time, one of my friends who owns a garage is, so im trying to get together any info he needs in case he runs into any problems. will you please help me and give me any links that you think I will need to print out for him since you have done this and have personal experience?

thank you!

yep the 883 kit will work for your rig. All the links and info I have are on the first page of this thread.

the front bumper wont go on right again if i do the body lift right?

it will be lower than the truck?

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