92 grille options????? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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92 grille options?????


New Member
October 31, 2002
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indianapolis, in
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
i'm looking to get a new grille insert for my 92, i like the billet grilles however they're not my first choice. the mesh grills that i've seen look alright but i'd like to take the entire original grille out and i was wondering if anyone knew of any new options that i wasn't aware of? or should i just go with a billet grill?

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You could sand your grille down and paint it the same color as your Ex' or find a Sport Grille and paint it the same color. There is also the limited grille. Those would be your stock type options.

Lund used to make inserts that just popped into the grill of the first gen. I have a set on my x right now. I will trade them to you for a billet grill. HAHA J/k. they are availible in a few colors (mine are black)

Originally posted by tcarlin1000
the mesh grills that i've seen look alright but i'd like to take the entire original grille out

Maybe you just need some other items there to "cover it up". First I did the mesh grill, which I thought looked really cool. And now I've got a grill guard too, so the grill guard takes most of the attention. But the mesh grill is still a nice little touch. I don't know. Just my $.02

thanks fellas, i might like the mesh with the grille guard over it. i'll keep it in mind. i just saw a jimmy the other day with what looked like a billet grill however it had vertical bars instead of the horizontal. i was wondering if anyone had heard of anything like this?

Go with the flamed Billet Grills. THere bad ass. :D

I have hunted for the flamed grill for the 1st gen forever. Cant find one anywhere. If you know where to find one please LMK

Wate. I don't think they make them for 1st gen's. Taqlk to expo5.0 ans mayube get a custom job done.

cut all the center slots out of you stock one and relplace it with the mesh and it will kinda look like a speed grille

