95-97 rollpan with hidden hitch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95-97 rollpan with hidden hitch


Elite Explorer
October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Wing, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
My cousin and I are working on a rollpan for his 1997 mountaineer right now.

doing it with a slightly different method of making the mold than i've used before (or seen) which thus far has gone very well and sped up the process quite a bit.

we are also making it work with a hidden hitch.

I plan on making a mold of this bumper as a "smoothie" for making future pans.

here are pictures so far-


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and the hitch-


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Interesting...looks like you fabbed that hitch yourself. I was thinking of getting a class 3 from the junkyard and fabbing it to make it a hidden hitch behind my rollpan. I don't really tow anything, I just want it for a recovery point.

yeah, we looked at using a pre-existing class III. This made a lot more sense. It isn't quite finished yet- will tie in more places before it is done.

i wish we both had gone this route instead of "rounding" the ranger ones back in the day- so much easier with the wood.

Cool. True hot rodding at work there. I can't wait to see it finished.


69 camaro restoration is cool!

my friend has a yellow on white interior vert. 396 SS with factory AC in excellent condition.

The 396 is out right now though for a major rebuild/a few hundred extra hp

thanks man!

man that truck could use a little more rust don't you think? ;)

Looks good so far- good luck on it! :thumbsup:


it's bee a daily driver in minnesota all it's 9+ years- the body is in good shape though. It would clean up just fine if youwanted to paint all the underbody stuff.

Looks great...nothing wrong with a little rust us northerners have alot of it..... :D (my trucks been driven in Syracuse for 9 years).
