96 explorer xlt, 4wd not working, help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 explorer xlt, 4wd not working, help!


New Member
January 27, 2016
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City, State
birdsboro, Pennsylvania
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 ford explorer xlt
The lights come on and change accordingly, when I turn the switch i hear the clunk of the hubs locking but the 4wd isn't working at all. I just don't have a clue what it could be. Please help!

They are always in high range in the transfer case, the shift motor just puts the transfer case into low range.
(That clunk isn't the hubs locking.. the hubs don't lock)
The front driveshaft engagement is done electronically via a electromagnet(as far as I know)

Have a look at the other recent threads, they are having the same issue.
