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96 sport manual project

Well I've been gone for a while but I'm back! About to purchase (if it goes well) a 2000, 5.0 explorer with zero rust. In Michigan that's a big deal.
Long story short, my old 96 sport was totalled years ago on black ice (airbag still worked and saved my a$$ on the freeway). Ended up getting a 4runner, life was going good financially for a while but sometimes life decides to kick you in the teeth. Selling the 2015 4runner for an explorer. Bittersweet. I'll love owning an explorer again, but I will miss the 4runner.
I'll definitely be starting up a new thread for the new (old) explorer.
Absolutely love these forums. Was key to me learning what I did to fix up the 96 sport.

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Photos of my very missed 96 sport, was able to pull the lights off before it was sold.

Cars can be replaced, you walked away so it served you well. I'm looking forward to your new build.

FYI explorers hold up waaaaaay better then 4Runners in wrecks :)

Welcome back
5.0 time!
Toyotas are nice but parts are soooooo expensive

FYI explorers hold up waaaaaay better then 4Runners in wrecks :)

Welcome back
5.0 time!
Toyotas are nice but parts are soooooo expensive
Remember Bob Marrs? He supercharged a 4 runner way back in the day and ended up wrecking it. There wasn't a straight panel left.

FYI explorers hold up waaaaaay better then 4Runners in wrecks :)

Welcome back
5.0 time!
Toyotas are nice but parts are soooooo expensive
Yes I'll be excited to not have a car payment anymore. And I liked my 4runner and all but even. Being just 4 years old the frame rust was astounding. I know it's Michigan, but it just seemed the paint just fell off the welds and all the welds underneath started rusting right away.

Last post for this thread! I found a 2000 5.0 Eddie Bauer for $2500. Zero rust in Michigan. Its got a rough idle and some crappy aftermarket exhaust which is obnoxiously loud, but those are easy fixes. Upon looking, someone had spliced a spark plug wire together and put heat shrink on it. Never seen that before!

Either way I figure I'll leave this thread alone as a tribute to my old 96 and start a new one documenting my maintentance and repair progress on the new 5.0

Last post for this thread! I found a 2000 5.0 Eddie Bauer for $2500. Zero rust in Michigan. Its got a rough idle and some crappy aftermarket exhaust which is obnoxiously loud, but those are easy fixes. Upon looking, someone had spliced a spark plug wire together and put heat shrink on it. Never seen that before!

Either way I figure I'll leave this thread alone as a tribute to my old 96 and start a new one documenting my maintentance and repair progress on the new 5.0
NICE! Post some pics with a link to your new thread.

I'm obviously an Explorer fan through and through but all this 4Runner talk reminded me of this build:

Lifted 4Runner looks insane going down a drag strip haha

I'm obviously an Explorer fan through and through but all this 4Runner talk reminded me of this build:

Lifted 4Runner looks insane going down a drag strip haha

Wow that thing is fast!
