97 Explorer 5r55e Tranny | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 Explorer 5r55e Tranny


September 19, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Brisbane, Australia
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XL
Hi Guys,
Hope fully someone can point me in the right direction.

I have done a complete swap of my transmission and have hit a wall.
The transmission swap was for a transmission with exact same model numbers.

Now the issue.

When i first installed the tranny, i used the wiring harness that came with it and the car would not start no crank, no power to starter.
I notice on that wiring harness that there was an extra plug that my harness did not have, so unsure what that does.

So i installed my original harness and the car would start, but now have no gears and throwing out 6 error codes p1747,p0743,p0750,p0755,p0760,p0765, for all the solenoids.
I am thinking has to be wiring harness, is there a way to test the harness is sending power to these solenoids.

Or is there someting i have missed in regards to the previous harness.

Both boxes are dated 97, the replacement gearbox came out of a 98 explorer.

Any help with this would be great, its doin my bloody head in.


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no one has any suggestions.

Thanks for looking though guys. :thumbsup:

I don't know but isn't there a difference in the VSS for those years...not sure if it would even matter.

Was 97 the one year only fit? or 98? I think one of those years there was an optional overdrive drum sensor, possible the mystery plug. If your truck had it and the new trans doesn't it wont work. or visa versa. when I have and interchange issue, I go to a part locator site called car-part.com. it's for finding salvage parts and its for free. while it wont come out and tell exact interchange, when you do your search you'll see one guy will have 97 trans and another will have a 98 etc. so if your smart you can kinda get a picture of what works and what doesnt.... good luck, hope this helps!

Well this what i have found out so far.
1. That my tranny is from my SOHC explorer
2. The replacement tranny is from a OHV explorer

As the boxes are exactly the same ie, same part numbers.

I think i need to work out the wiring for the replacement box to work on my pcm.
If any one knows whats wires need to be splcied and such, it would be really appreciated.

Replacement box has VSS and original has rear axle sensor.

I will keep chipping away at this and let you know how i go.


fuse 13?

According to my 2000 SOHC wiring diagrams fuse 13 in the battery junction box powers the four O2 sensor heaters, the canister vent solenoid and the transmission solenoids. I know there were some wiring changes in 1998. If you don't have O2 sensor heater faults then fuse 13 is probably good. With the ignition on check for battery voltage on the light blue/orange stripe wire at the transmission connector.

The 97 5R55E had an extra sensor towards the front on the shift lever side, newer ones did not have this sensor. If both trans are the same and each has this sensor, your original wiring should work fine with no modes. SOHC or OHV makes no difference as far as the trans working. Are you sure all connectors are plugged in and locked in place? Loose or not connected won't work.

Hi PopRitchie 77, i have checked and re-checked, removed and put back in and so forth with the harnesses.

2000Streetrod, i will check that fuse.

I appreciate the help guys

All I can offer is a stock photo of a 5R55E out of a '97 SOHC:

All 5R55E trans connect electrical the same except for the 97 which was the first year it was made. 97 had the extra sensor as shown in drdoom's photo.

Hi Guys,
thanks for the info.

Still stuck on same place.

BrooklynBay where do i find the useful threads part as i am a bit lost as to where it is, is it the sticky's part in this section being this thread "Everything I know about the M5OD-R1 & BW1354M" any help is appreciated.

Hi Guys,

well i am still at it with this tranny, and have made some small success, i have fixed the error code problems rewired the harness and all codes gone.
But now my probvlem is that it will not select any gears, gear stick will move through gears but nothing engages feels as if the cable is off very sloppy and loose.
Could this be the TR sensor or something elsle,

Once again thanks guys for looking.

I suggest making sure the pin on the ****scomb is engaged with the manual valve.

Ok so this is where i am at now, gear selctor feels fine now but not going into any gears.
Seems there is no fluid pumping from transmission checked top radiator coolant line and is dry as.
Do these boxes need to be primed or is it a failed oil pump.

any help is appreciated

They do not need primed. If you changed the filter did you use the right one and put the O-rings on it?

I am sure that i seated and checked the O-rings were in place, but i can always check again.
So for me to understand this if the filter is not seated or O-rings are missing the pump will not suck fluid through?

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Thanks BrooklynBay, but i have replaced the filter i was asking the following :

So for me to understand this if the filter is not seated or O-rings are missing the pump will not suck fluid through?
