98 4.0 no 4Lo | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 4.0 no 4Lo


Active Member
March 25, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Raleigh, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT 4.0L SOHC
So I am having some stubborn issues with my 4wd system. I have troubleshot and replaced parts, sometimes stupidly out of frustration, but nonetheless my 4wd system is acting up.

---Upon turning 4wd selector switch, the 4Hi dash indicator lights up and the front axle is properly engaged. (evident by binding and increased noise from drivetrain)

---Brown Wire Mod properly interuppts signal to transfer case and reduces power to strictly rear wheels.

Not Working:
---With car in neutral, brake pressed, and vehicle stationary, and selector switch in 4Hi; turning the switch to 4Lo produces clicking noise from GEM and the transfer case shift motor does not cycle positions.

Parts that have been replaced:
This problem has persisted through:

  • Replaced Transfer Case (due to failure of case)
  • Replaced Shift Motor
  • Replaced Transfer Case Relay in engine bay
  • Replaced 4wd selector switch

I also have a second GEM that i hooked up but this caused the 4Hi/Lo dash lights to flash (GEM needs reprogramming?)​

I found a thread on an F150 forum with similar issues here: f150online.com/forums/showthread.php?t=457423

Things I need to check/ Need Help knowing how to check:
  1. Does the 4wd system in our trucks use engine vaccum? If so, how do I check there is pressure?
  2. What does the GEM clicking mean? (GEM/selector switch are working properly?)
  3. The shift motor does not cycle when disconnected from the TCase and the selector switch is turned. Does this mean that I am losing power somewhere between the GEM and Motor? (If so, possibly fuses/relays I have not already checked?)

Thank you for any help that can be provided. This is really starting to aggrevate me. I have searched and read and read till my eyes hurt and have not found a conclusive answer as to what is going on or as to where I should look to answer the preceding question.

I have a PA-883, War 153, and some 33x12.5 Duratracs waiting to go on, but I want to make sure I can properly make use of them before I make it look all pretty! ;)

