99 3.0 to 01 SOHC Swap Transmission Issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 3.0 to 01 SOHC Swap Transmission Issue


New Member
May 16, 2005
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City, State
McKinney, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 SOHC Hybrid Ranger
I just finished my swap, 99 3.0 to 01 4.0 SOHC and the tranny is shifting weird. I had to use an ECU from a 99 Explorer to get around a PATS issue I was having as the 01 Ranger ECU has the PATS all internal and the 99 does not, per the dealership. Anyways, the tranny acts really weird and the O/D Off light starts flashing after about 15 minutes of driving. I was wondering if since I have a 2WD Ranger if having a 4WD Explorer ECU would cause the odd shifting and the O/D Off light flashing. I have since found a 2WD 99 Explorer SOHC ECU and the sperratic shifting is still there.I'm being told that the controls from 99 to 01 were changed. Would this be a simple rewiring of the connector or something internal with the ECU? Your help is greatly appreciated.

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Wish I could help but this Q is WAAAY over my head.

No one has even a clue?

I have a clue :)
You need to go back to the 01 SOHC computer and have the PCM flashed to eliminate the PATS. (my best guess before I know all the details of your conversion)

There are changes to the DTRS and wiring pins between 99 to 01, so you see you hooked up your 99 computer to a 01 wiring harness, well not all the pins will be the same at the computer (they might be) or at the trans plug (big square plug to the transmission) and also the DTRS (digital transmission range sensor) went through some changes from 98-01, earlier models were analog, later models were digital.

You kinda shot yourself in the foot thinking you could just plug a 99 computer into a 01 harness. Also did you retain your 99 transmission??? a 3.0L transmission??

more details needed about your conversion I am afraid.
Here's what I have so far:
The truck is a 99 originally a 3.0L
You converted it to a 01 SOHC 4.0L engine 2wd
You used a 99 4x4 SOHC computer?

Did you keep your 3.0L trans (did not think this was possible but I am not to familiar with 99 3.0L's)

Did you use the 01 SOHC wiring? to the computer? to the trans? to the truck?

Did you use the 99 wiring harness with the 01 engine and trans?

details please.

Basically you will have to get the wiring schematics for the parts you used and compare.

I put a 97.5 engine and trans into a 1988 BII and I used a 2000 model year wiring book (only book I could get). I found a handful of wiring changes between the actual 97.5 engine/trans harness and the 2000 book, just FYI.

So you see there are wiring changes, sometimes even mid year.

I am using the 5r55e that came with the SOHC motor as well as the harness that was uncut from the SOHC motor. I still have the 3.0 with tranny and ecu/harness. I'm currently working on finding out if the ecu pin outs are the same, so we'll see.

What idea did you have?

my idea is that you cannot just simply plug a 99 SOHC computer into a 01 SOHC harness. You should revert back to the 01 SOHC computer and either:
have the PATS disabled
Install PATS from the donor vehicle into your truck.

Forget about the 3.0L drivetrain, its old news, you dont need anything from it anymore.

also the pinout at the computer may be the same, but guess what most of the changes I found between my 97.5 harness and my 2000 book were in the transmission plug :)
wire colors and locations changed.

I figured if anyone knew it would either be 410Fortune or Jefe. Thanks!

Have you pulled the PCM codes to figure out WHY your transmission is unhappy? If your O/D light is flashing you will have transmission codes.

Thats where I'd start anyway. Even if it isn't the problem it will help in diagnosing the real problem.

two heads are better than one!
gotta love EF I totally missed that jefe :)

BTW PM me your addy and the flywheel/spacer/bolts are on there way

Got it, two wires needed switched at the PCM plug, working great now!!!

Seriously? *****IN


Nicely done.
