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99 Premium stereo questions


Elite Explorer
June 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fort Valley, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT
I just picked up a 99 xlt and I've got a question or two about the stereo. Based on the picture in the manual it looks like it's a premium model and not a Mach but I'm not positive. Anyway will the security system freak if I pull out the stereo to check it out? I've had a few vehicles where the OEM stereo had a security feature and wouldn't work when it was reinstalled.

Also, is there a way to hook up an external amp and subwoofer to the stereo? I've got one from my old truck I would like to incorporate in there


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I can't answer your question directly, I only had a high power Kenwood
mp3 8017 head and a powered under the seat Kenwood active sub to put in so
I didn't have to put another amp or deal with a security issue but but I did a search for (Ford amp bypass cable) when I did mine
or somehting and found a place you could order any aftermarket Ford stereo cable though not sure if had Ford harness to standard amp harness or whatever but I'm sure you could Google the harness you need. Also here's a link to Ford Explorer wiring so you could maybe fabricate something?
Here's another page that offers help but pretty sure you're charged if I remember right..

Thanks. The color coding charge definitely helps. I'm not sure if I really want to bypass the existing amp as much as just find a way to tap into it and add my sub/amp. I was kind of hoping some of the components would be the same as the Mach system and since it has a sub back there then the capability to add one would at least be there.

I understand, you might be able to take YOUR amp connectors, buy
the bypass harness and if you're handy with a soldering iron like me,
using the color codes just make yourself the right connector cable to go
to and from your amp and adapt to the Ford harness..

Interesting thought. I'll look into that since it shouldn't be too hard

The amp is INTERNAL to the stereo starting in '98. You'd have to get converters to run an amp or have an amp that can handle high level inputs.

The stereo is fine to remove. The DIN tools are the easiest way to remove it. It can be done other ways, but the tools make it soo much easier.

Thanks. I was mostly worried that some kind of security feature was there

Nope, not like the GMs

The Premium HU is better to use with amps then the Mach HU. Plus the Mach HU has the common display issues. I have the Kenwood 8017 in my 93 Limited, and I shall use it in the 99 dash in the 93 soon. I love having 294 songs on one CD. Good luck,

CDW6212R said:
The Premium HU is better to use with amps then the Mach HU. Plus the Mach HU has the common display issues. I have the Kenwood 8017 in my 93 Limited, and I shall use it in the 99 dash in the 93 soon. I love having 294 songs on one CD. Good luck,

The premium radio also suffers from the display problems. Any radio that looks like those and has the RDS button will have the display trouble. The Mach unit does have a built in crossover which gave me a huge headache because my malfuncitoning unit was swapped out with a Mach one. So yes, the Premium is better to work with in anything other than a Mach system.

Well I'll attempt to tap into the speaker outputs for my amp and see how it goes. I would prefer not to have to lose the cd changer and rear seat controls (which I figured I would lose by changing HU's) but maybe I'll have to go that way.

The Mach radio and Premium radio are made by two different manufacturers. The Mach radio is plagued by the display power supply board problems. The Premium version has normal issues, nothing special, nothing which is a sure bet, unlike the Mach radio.

The Mach radio is fixable. The whole display power supply board needs to be changed, in every one. Some people are trying to solder what they can, but a new board is the best solution.

I'd rather change HU's, which is what I will do eventually, good luck.

If you have the premium HU with rear seat controls, can you swap it with a Mach HU, and have it work or will it work?

Or can you swap it for an aftermarket stereo and have the rear seat controls work? I would hate to have a bunch of dead controls back there

The rear controls are tied to the factory stereos. I would recommend that you consult with a repair specialist. I have been told by such a rebuilder that the Premium and Mach stereos with the "RDS" button, all will control a changer, the rear seat controls, and support the steering wheel controls. The "RDS" button(instead of "clock") is the high end model in all of those high option models. Good luck,

please post on EXPLORER AUDIO!!! =]
