'99 XLT Cruise control problem | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'99 XLT Cruise control problem

Awesome thread. SC is one of the few perks with the 96' Limited I just picked up. Going to check it tonight. Question. Is the back-lighting in these switches serviceable? On my Mounty, the left steering wheel button cluster lights are out, and on the Expy, it's the right one. Please advise, thanks!

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I wish I could help. My '99 doesn't have backlit SC buttons. I don't think the backlighting should affect the function of the buttons.

I do remember seeing a "how to" thread on changing the lights in the cruise control buttons, but I can't seem to find it now...It's here somewhere.
Curious what you mean by SC...Stereo Control maybe? Only Limited's have these...correct?

I do remember seeing a "how to" thread on changing the lights in the cruise control buttons, but I can't seem to find it now...It's here somewhere.
Curious what you mean by SC...Stereo Control maybe? Only Limited's have these...correct?

Cool I'll try to search for it! lol I was referring to Speed Control. And I just realized where my problem may be...


Yep, That could be it!...this is the new style switch, so I would try cleaning it before buying a new one...Was it not connected?

Yep, That could be it!...this is the new style switch, so I would try cleaning it before buying a new one...Was it not connected?

Really? I thought the Orange switch is the old catch-fiery one, and the black one was the new style? :confused:

PS: And yes, it was connected.

Really? I thought the Orange switch is the old catch-fiery one, and the black one was the new style? :confused:

PS: And yes, it was connected.

I went and looked at mine...My Bad!...lol. Yeah, get rid of that one!

I went and looked at mine...My Bad!...lol. Yeah, get rid of that one!

Yeah, I don't think I even have the jumper harness either. Going to clean up the switch, but I don't think I am re-connecting the harness at this time until I get those parts. My truck is sitting in my garage right now, YIKES! lol

Yeah, I don't think I even have the jumper harness either. Going to clean up the switch, but I don't think I am re-connecting the harness at this time until I get those parts. My truck is sitting in my garage right now, YIKES! lol

Careful...lol. I think I got mine for around $15 at the dealership. Talk enough s#*t they my give it to you.

Careful...lol. I think I got mine for around $15 at the dealership. Talk enough s#*t they my give it to you.

I have a buddy up in Tousley Ford. Maybe I might just have to pay for shipping. Question though, should I still perform the self diagnostic, or play it safe and wait?

I have a buddy up in Tousley Ford. Maybe I might just have to pay for shipping. Question though, should I still perform the self diagnostic, or play it safe and wait?

I'd try it...can't see what it could hurt. Even if everything checks out okay, I would still replace the switch. It probably won't catch fire if you clean all the gunk off it. I used throttle body cleaner on mine.

I'd try it...can't see what it could hurt. Even if everything checks out okay, I would still replace the switch. It probably won't catch fire if you clean all the gunk off it. I used throttle body cleaner on mine.

This is true. Plus I think the main problem with these comes from internal failure/corrosion rather than outer gunk. Still nice to have it sitting pretty. Going to do the diagnostic tonight after I put a window regulator and motor in lol

While your doing the window motor... why don't you install one of these? I love mine! http://www.ebay.com/itm/160696409358?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649

Thanks! It may be in my future plans, but trying to get all the stuff working again first! lol I'm such a creature of habit, that the first thing I do when pulling up to a parking spot is put my windows up lol. Not to say this isn't a cool feature though! Might do it to my Mounty however.
