9k for a 96? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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9k for a 96?


Explorer Addict
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Albany, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 EB V6 OHV 4WD

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I'd like to know what that Centaurus conversion added to the bottom line. Regardless, there's no way they are going to get anywhere near $9K for it...even though it looks to be in very nice condition. The dated conversion features just aren't going to add much to it's desirability and value. In my mind, it's just another clean '96 Explorer with moderate miles.

$9000?! For a 124,000 mile V6 with rust?! Pffffftttt!

Meanwhile, there is this 96' in PA (same state!) that is in better shape than that one at measly sum $911.00

My Centaurus was voted "Crack Pipe" on Jalopnik for asking $5,900 OB for a V8 with 57,000 miles with no rust. That's after I seen another one on ebay that was selling for $7,500. :dunno: Since then, I've gone through the whole truck and replaced everything (brakes, suspension, tires, ignition, cooling system, performance mods, all fluids, everything) with motorcraft or better aftermarket parts and still can't even get $4000 out of it. :dunno::dunno:

The only things about the rigs I like is the front bumper, topper (for a future pop-up conversion) and top mounted control panel. I've found the ground effects crack easy and the wiring to the outdated electronics mediocre (read:electrical gremlins) so not really reusable if updating to LCD,PC,DVD and will need to be rewired. The 5" of extra headspace does come in handy but its a smaller area than you think.

I've accepted the reality that I'll probably never be able to sell it and will be driving it until Armageddon but if that guy gets $9000 for that, I'm posting mine for $25,000 and starting a new bad habit...

Waaaaaay to high. It's not even a V8. I couldn't see that price if it was, and had 22k. Some people confuse rare with expensive.

Quote: "Some people confuse rare with expensive".

Yep...often see examples of this in the collector car market.

I wouldn't give $890 for it.

Ad claims 4 new tires, but image 77 shows a worn mismatched tire...

Its an awesome truck. Id love to have it. But we all know its not worth 9k. I don't think I have ever seen anyone even passionate enough to restore them yet either.

$9000?! For a 124,000 mile V6 with rust?! Pffffftttt!

Meanwhile, there is this 96' in PA (same state!) that is in better shape than that one at measly sum $911.00

My Centaurus was voted "Crack Pipe" on Jalopnik for asking $5,900 OB for a V8 with 57,000 miles with no rust. That's after I seen another one on ebay that was selling for $7,500. :dunno: Since then, I've gone through the whole truck and replaced everything (brakes, suspension, tires, ignition, cooling system, performance mods, all fluids, everything) with motorcraft or better aftermarket parts and still can't even get $4000 out of it. :dunno::dunno:

The only things about the rigs I like is the front bumper, topper (for a future pop-up conversion) and top mounted control panel. I've found the ground effects crack easy and the wiring to the outdated electronics mediocre (read:electrical gremlins) so not really reusable if updating to LCD,PC,DVD and will need to be rewired. The 5" of extra headspace does come in handy but its a smaller area than you think.

I've accepted the reality that I'll probably never be able to sell it and will be driving it until Armageddon but if that guy gets $9000 for that, I'm posting mine for $25,000 and starting a new bad habit...

Something being rare doesn't always equate to valuable, or desirable. As I recall, "conversion vans" (when they were popular) were full-sized vans with things like picture windows, captains chairs and even fold down beds and small refrigerators. I don't see a rather small Ford Explorer as filling this niche, so I don't understand the point of the Centaurus conversion. JMHO.

Ad claims 4 new tires, but image 77 shows a worn mismatched tire...
It looks like what they did is take the spare tire Wrangler RT/S and rotate it onto the vehicle (while it hadn't been in regular rotation previously which is why it isn't worn out yet) then buy 3, Wrangler non-RT/S so that 4th mismatched tire is 10+ years old... just a guess.

That suggests to me a tendency to do all maintenance and repairs the Cheapest Way Possible. I can totally understand doing that if the asking price decimal point were moved to the left one digit. :snicker:

I agree it's impractical, especially when compared to a conversion van but it seems like I show mine to a couple people a week because they've never seen one before and just have to check it out. Thats gotta count for something.

I bought mine for $2,700. Conversion on not, I figured ANY rust free accident free V8 with less than 60,000 original miles was worth that.


In the last two years I know of (from memory):
1.)A white rough v6 in Indiana with 200,000 miles for $1,000
2.)The rough green one in Georgia on craigslist for make offer
3.)A white V6 in decent shape in San Diego for $2500ish
5.)A guy called on mine and said his mom has one with over 200,000
6.)White AWD V8 with rims on ebay with 41,000 for $7,500 (maybe 3 years ago now)
5.)And that one for $8,900

Don't know how you even could restore one that had damage unless LCM had extra parts collection dust in a warehouse for the last 20 years 'just in case'. Would like to get another front bumper though, I think it would look good on a 99-01 limited.

I agree J_C. The tires often tell you more about the car than the owners do.

If it was Black, it would look like a Hearse.

I like the lower graphics; especially, the gold on yours vs the gray on the e-Bay truck. Just having trouble getting used to that roof thing, though. Regardless, I might have done the same thing if I found a lower mileage, rust-free vehicle like yours for $2700. The conversion does add a little to it's intrigue...and, let's face it, we aren't buying these 20+ yr old suv's to make a social statement.

I agree it's impractical, especially when compared to a conversion van but it seems like I show mine to a couple people a week because they've never seen one before and just have to check it out. Thats gotta count for something.

I bought mine for $2,700. Conversion on not, I figured ANY rust free accident free V8 with less than 60,000 original miles was worth that.

In the last two years I know of (from memory):
1.)A white rough v6 in Indiana with 200,000 miles for $1,000
2.)The rough green one in Georgia on craigslist for make offer
3.)A white V6 in decent shape in San Diego for $2500ish
5.)A guy called on mine and said his mom has one with over 200,000
6.)White AWD V8 with rims on ebay with 41,000 for $7,500 (maybe 3 years ago now)
5.)And that one for $8,900

Don't know how you even could restore one that had damage unless LCM had extra parts collection dust in a warehouse for the last 20 years 'just in case'. Would like to get another front bumper though, I think it would look good on a 99-01 limited.

I agree J_C. The tires often tell you more about the car than the owners do.

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My ST focus is "Rare" because its one of 3400 made in 2007 but yet it barely has a resale value over a regular SES Focus. They were made in years 2005-2007 with a total of 15,000 made. 2007 was the last year with the most options and least made.
