A/C Frequently Asked Questions - Idea Thread | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A/C Frequently Asked Questions - Idea Thread


EF Tranny Guru
Moderator Emeritus
February 8, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Sacramento, CA 95827
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT
As we once again start towards warmer weather the A/C questions will inevitably come. It occurs to me (after answering the same Q's more times than I can count) that we ought to have a FAQ on this forum for A/C questions. I mean most every conceivable Q is answered in the longer threads on AC in the stickies, but people don't know that and don't want to read about a zillion others things to get an answer to a specific Q.

SO... I'm going to start working on a FAQ for FORD EXPLORER A/C questions. I solicit thoughts ideas for questions (and answers) here. I will do the thread separately andlock it as I work on it do it doesn't become cluttered with other posts not relevant to what a user might want or need.

So, help me guys! What do you want to know about or what should we post about and give me your answers to your own Q's if you can (I may agree and use them, I may think otherwise and edit them and add....). Let's all help each other.


ps. Q number one is going to be all about the cycling of the AC compressor on the orifice tube setup in the Explorers...

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Just some ideas, the answers are brief and should be expanded:

1. Do I have to evacuate the system if I replace an A/C component?
A. Yes
2. What is meant by vacuuming the system?
A. Evacuation of the system using a special made vacuum pump.
3.I can not get the vacuum down to 29.92 in/Hg; what di I do?
A. Fix the leak, it won't get any better when you put refrigerant in it.
4. On my 1991, where are the A/C components?
A. Picture showing location of Evaporator, Accumulator, Compressor, Condesor, Orifice, Service fittings. [I'll upload into library]
5. Do I have R134a or R12 refrigerant?
A. Cars manufactured after 1993 use R134a type refrigerant. Look on the EPA sticker next to the hood latch for type and quantity in your vehicle. Many vehicles made before 1993 have been converted. Look for a conversion sticker or examine A/C Fittings.
6. What do R134a service fittings look like?
A pic of LP and HP fittings.
7. My compressor is fine, but squeeks when not engaged; I think the clutch is bad. Must I replace the entire compressor?
A. Yes
8. Where is the orifice?
A. Between condensor and evaporator. Passenger side of vehicle, follow line from condensor to two nut coupling. orifice is inside.
9. What are those funny clips on the A/C junctions, do I need them?
A. Yes, A/C is subject to high pressures (>160 psi), the lines will separate if not used.
10. How do I separate the A/C couplings?
A. Special tool
11. I work on Chryslers, is the A/C the same?
A. The Exporers use a simpler system called using a fixed orifice. The tools to service are the same but the names for the components are different. The accumulator and orifice functionally equate to receiver and expansion valve. Later model Explorers have separate front and rear A/C systems, the rear sytem uses an expansion valve/receiver arrangement.
12. I asked for an accumulator and they gave me a receiver, WTF?
A. See #11.
13. I'm only looking for loose refrigerant connections, must I wear eye protection?
A. Only if you value your sight and want to see your children.
14. What if I don't have children?
A. This is an A/C FAQ not a column for the lovelorn. Note: having automotive A/C skills is a good way to meet potential sex partners. As soon as they see that $1200 bill from the A/C shop, any geek (male or female) with a vacuum pump that can suck the chrome off a bumper hitch becomes a sex object.
15. What if I don't want to be a sex object?
A. You shouldn't be in automotive A/C repair. Think of it as a job hazard.
16. My local community college offers an automotive A/C course, is it necessary?
A. See #14. Take the course now, before you need it. Name your first child after Glacier.

That's all that come to mind. I have the pictures for an evaporator change in my camera, it's just a matter of writing the replacement thread.

I have a 2000 XLT and lost the owners manual, the ac is not working,blowing hot air. Thought maybe it could be a fuse but no idea which is which, can someone help?

Here's another comon one:

My fan turns on and off intermittently, and wont blow in any setting.
Check the blower motor relay, plug, and blower motor itself.

To start it off, there should be an introduction on the theory of how A/C systems work. Have a mini glossary of the components so people know what they are trying to describe. Have a link to the A/C charging thread from Glacier991. Show a few pictures of the tools which are used. Have a list of Ford part numbers for the common parts like hoses, orifice tube, condenser, evaporator, etc.

links for sites to buy good a c parts
we need to wear safety glasses u say ?? i do repairs better when i cant see what im braking off
