About ready to give up | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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About ready to give up


New Member
October 19, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Buffalo, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Explorer
I have a 2005 Ford Explorer that I am ready to give up on..It started out where it would die out and then not restart. I put the code reader on and got 6 error codes, most of it with the TPS. I so far have replaced the throttle body, the TPS, all the plugs, and finally the coil pack. Also replaced the fuel filter and checked all the relays and fuses. The battery is all charged up, all it does is crank, but won't start. After all the replacing of parts for the last 2 weeks, it is not reading any error codes, but still won't start. It has a half tank of gas, and it seems to be getting fuel to the engine, I can smell it and the fuel pump runs. I don't know what else to try..except a sledgehammer at this point..Any ideas?

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I'd check the Crankshaft and camshaft position sensors (Not sure if your year has one or both). If it's gone out, you won't be able to start the vehicle.

Would that throw out a fail code ?

Did u run the diagnostic tests on the TPS itself what exactly where the codes? what codes are present? Has the car been sitting for a while? possibly bad gas. try disconnecting the battery and touching the CABLES together to try and reset the computer.
