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adaptive cruise control option

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I don't think so, but I will say that this is one of my favorite things on this car.

I don't ever want to own another vehicle without adaptive cruise control.

It's amazing.

Adaptive cruise control is way too complex to be and add on. I am suprised you like this option. I have yet to see one that actually functions well. The Mercedes system on the S class is getting close though.

I don't like it. I LOVE it.

It works extremely well on the new Explorer. I use it all the time. It's a godsend in tough fluctuating freeway traffic.

I'm a huge fan.

I don't like it. I LOVE it.

It works extremely well on the new Explorer. I use it all the time. It's a godsend in tough fluctuating freeway traffic.

I'm a huge fan.


I didn't want it but the Explorer I test drove had it and I tried it and that was all it took!

The Explorers Adaptive Cruise Control works great!

The EX has 3 or 4 settings (gap) for adaptive cruise so it is very intelligent. Between this feature and parallel parking, the truck is sometimes scary smart.

I don't like it. I LOVE it.

It works extremely well on the new Explorer. I use it all the time. It's a godsend in tough fluctuating freeway traffic.

I'm a huge fan.
Works well extremely well - Even in rain.

Interesting. The issues I refer to are; too long of a following distance in heavy traffic (So Ca) even when set too closest which allows constant "cutting in" and resultant braking, increasing speed when changing lanes and the car suddenly sees a greater distance (that is, between the two lanes) if it is following slower moving cars then then the speed it is set at, closing on a large truck in the next lane to the right as you go through a tight left turn (brakes as it sees the truck in the other lane even though your lane is open), in medium traffic while closing on a car in your lane it begins to slow making it difficult to pull to the left to pass as other cars are closing in the lane to the left. These are common problems to virtually all active cruise controls in the market. Has Ford actually conquered these? Do I need an extended test drive?

One of my current cars with active cruise among a host of other things will automatically brake to a stop, resume its speed, kick the trans down if the set speed is much higher then current speed and suddenly lots of open road ahead, steer slightly to maintain its lane while alarming during a non driver initiated lane change, full panic stop if collision is eminent, full ABS stop if under "panic' conditions the driver fails to fully depress the brake pedal, steer up to about 3 degrees to maintain intended coarse during a slide even if the driver fails to, alarm for blind spot, alarm for lane deviation, show multiple outside views and alter damping/roll stiffness/steering ratio in adddition common stability functions to prevent a spin. It still has those active cruise control problems.

Im not saying that Ford has not overcome these. I just find it hard to believe and wonder if I need to more completly investigate the Explorer active cruise control. Oh, can it be defeated and made to function as a normal cruise control?

Interesting. The issues I refer to are; too long of a following distance in heavy traffic (So Ca) even when set too closest which allows constant "cutting in" and resultant braking, increasing speed when changing lanes and the car suddenly sees a greater distance (that is, between the two lanes) if it is following slower moving cars then then the speed it is set at, closing on a large truck in the next lane to the right as you go through a tight left turn (brakes as it sees the truck in the other lane even though your lane is open), in medium traffic while closing on a car in your lane it begins to slow making it difficult to pull to the left to pass as other cars are closing in the lane to the left. These are common problems to virtually all active cruise controls in the market. Has Ford actually conquered these? Do I need an extended test drive?
... Oh, can it be defeated and made to function as a normal cruise control?
Yes - Take a drive. I'm guessing it as good as anything on the market. It would not be safe to have the gap less than the minimum. You can easily over-ride it by touching the accelerator (if you suspect someone is going to cut in). It is smart enough to recognize cars "passing through" your lane in front of you. As long as they are going faster than you it temporarily ignores the gap and does not slow down.
Ford's collision avoidance does not apply brakes but the ACC will.

Oh, can it be defeated and made to function as a normal cruise control?

I actually don't know. I never would, so I never went looking through the manual or menus for that disable.

Yes the Explorer cruise control will operate in normal mode as well as adaptive. If I take over gas pedal control (say to accelerate for passing), the adaptive cruise will flash on the screen and take back over pretty gently when I release control. I would recommend a full out road test as your expectations could be different than mine.

In Houston full on rush hour traffic, I'm not sure I would have a desire to use adaptive cruise as the less technology enabled driver behind me would never have a prayer of avoiding the rear of my Explorer.

In reasonable multi-lane open road driving, the adaptive cruise control operates very smoothly. I've not experienced lane confusion, full on emergency braking or all out, heavy downshift acceleration when changing lanes. The forum often describes the Ex as a marshmellow, not a street racer; I would say my experience mirrors that style of performance. The Ex performs well, but doesn't ever seem to use the technology to push the performance design of the truck to the edge of safety limits.

My Ex has adaptive cruise, BLIS,collision avoidance and cornering control. If all of those systems are active and going off at the same time, I suspect I'm hearing my MFT telling me to " CHANGE DRIVERS, CHANGE DRIVERS".

Oh, can it be defeated and made to function as a normal cruise control?

If you go into the settings on the left screen you can turn it on or off.

Thanks for the additional info

...Interesting. The issues I refer to are; too long of a following distance in heavy traffic (So Ca) even when set too closest which allows constant "cutting in" and resultant braking, increasing speed when changing lanes and the car suddenly sees a greater distance (that is, between the two lanes) if it is following slower moving cars then then the speed it is set at, closing on a large truck in the next lane to the right as you go through a tight left turn (brakes as it sees the truck in the other lane even though your lane is open), in medium traffic while closing on a car in your lane it begins to slow making it difficult to pull to the left to pass as other cars are closing in the lane to the left...
I looked into this and found that it’s not recommended to use the adaptive cruise control when entering or leaving a highway, in heavy traffic or on roads that are winding, slippery or unpaved. Also, the following distance is based on time; so the faster you go, the larger the gap.

Yes the Explorer cruise control will operate in normal mode as well as adaptive. If I take over gas pedal control (say to accelerate for passing), the adaptive cruise will flash on the screen and take back over pretty gently when I release control. I would recommend a full out road test as your expectations could be different than mine...
That’s a great recommendation, JDJones. I’m also really glad you’re enjoying the features on your Explorer. :)


[1] closing on a large truck in the next lane to the right as you go through a tight left turn (brakes as it sees the truck in the other lane even though your lane is open), [2] in medium traffic while closing on a car in your lane it begins to slow making it difficult to pull to the left to pass as other cars are closing in the lane to the left.
I would say everything is working as it should. If in the tight left turn the truck in the other lane is in your 'straight line vision' then the Explorer would slow down since the ACC (radar) I believe is a narrow straight ahead function and therefore sees the truck as being in front of you. It does not bend as you turn. The reason I believe it is a narrow 'beam' is that when you pull out into the left lane to pass a slower moving vehicle, the ACC will again resume the speed at which it was set, ignoring the traffic on the right. As for your second point, I don't think there is much that can be done about this by the system itself. This is where the driver has to make a judgement and take control.
