Adding heated mirrors to 2004 XLT w/ puddle lamps | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding heated mirrors to 2004 XLT w/ puddle lamps


Well-Known Member
September 24, 2002
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Goodlettsville Tennessee
Year, Model & Trim Level
'09 Sport Trac, '21 Explo
Our 2004 has now moved from being the weekend/travel vehicle to being our commuter, and it is also now parked outside every night. I have always been interested in adding the heated mirrors, but searches on here are somewhat conflicting on whether or not it is a plug and play upgrade. Can anyone that has done this mod verify that it is or isn't a plug and play procedure? Ours is an XLT 4x4 and is pretty loaded with options, including leather and a power moonroof.

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It was plug and play on my base model XLS with no options. From what I've heard, and seen in the Junkyards, the only feature that isn't plug-and-play across all trim levels of 02-05 is the keyless entry.

Thanks for the quick response firephoenix. Based on your response, and some other threads I have seen, I have ordered a set of Dorman heated mirrors from Rockauto. The truck is now 13 years old, so I don't necessarily have to have "Ford" mirrors.. Hopefully we will see very soon that this makes a difference for our morning drive to work each day. We had heated mirrors on a Taurus we had a few years back and really liked them, especially on a light rain day. We never needed them in the morning for dew as we parked it in our garage every night. Will updated after I receive and install them.

I got lucky and snagged a pair at the junkyard for the cost of one dorman with heat and puddle lamp. The light rain is when I use them the most, lol. keeps the mist right off.

I thought heated mirrors were a marketing gimmick until I got a car that had them as standard equipment (2015 Jetta - will not miss it when the lease is done, but will miss some features). I will not buy another car without them, or at least the easy installation, like the Explorer.

Our replacement weekend/travel vehicle is a 2013 Edge SEL AWD. It has the heated seats/mirrors, Pano roof, MyFordTouch, 20" chrome clad wheels. It now spends most of its time in our garage, clean and shiny. We are really happy with the Edge so far. Very quiet on the highway.

More than likely the '04 Explorer will become our sons vehicle next year. He wants my Sport Trac, but that is not happening..

I wish I had more time to junk yard hunt, but I don't any more. I need an interior trim piece for my Sport Trac that is now obsolete from Ford and I do not have time to go hunt for it. :mad2:

As a follow-up, I can also confirm that wiring is in place and heated mirrors are indeed plug and play. Makes you wonder why Ford did not go ahead and include heated mirrors as standard equipment. Sadly I have to return the ones I purchased due to vibration, but the heat function is working.
