Adding Power-Folding Mirrors to XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding Power-Folding Mirrors to XLT


New Member
March 12, 2024
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Omaha, NE
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Ford Explorer XLT
Hi everyone, I have a ‘17 Explorer XLT and was wanting to add power-folding mirrors to it. I was able to buy the Explorer from a family friend for a good price and low miles so I am willing to spend what is required to add this feature as my garage door is a couple inches too narrow. When folding the mirrors the vehicle fits in the garage fine, but it is quite the nuisance to pull out of the garage and get out to fold them back out. I have done some research on it and wanted confirmation if this is the complete list of components needed to complete this conversion:

Both Mirrors
Driver Door Switch
Driver and Passenger Door Harnesses (GB5Z14631E and GB5Z14630E)
Driver and Passenger Door Modules (DG9Z14B291XA and DG9Z14B291XC)
Forscan Programming once parts are installed

Any other insight/tips into this conversion would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Using the handy 'Search' feature at te upper right, I found a similar thread about adding the mirrors.
Perhaps it will help.


Thank you for the reference! From what I read on that forum I believe the one writing the post already has power-folding mirrors and would like to add an auto-folding feature. I am more in the position where I need to go from manual-folding to power-folding. Thanks!
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Using the handy 'Search' feature at te upper right, I found a similar thread about adding the mirrors.
Perhaps it will help.


You probably don't need the door modules, typically all functionality is there regardless it's just the wires and as-built settings that you'll need to add. If you're handy you can probably just get the mirrors and add the necessary wires yourself to the existing connectors. If it was me I'd probably at least try it with the original modules before buying different ones.

You probably don't need the door modules, typically all functionality is there regardless it's just the wires and as-built settings that you'll need to add. If you're handy you can probably just get the mirrors and add the necessary wires yourself to the existing connectors. If it was me I'd probably at least try it with the original modules before buying different ones.

Thanks for the suggestion! I will likely try that first then and see how it goes.
