adding turn signals to mirros | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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adding turn signals to mirros

so im using the 3/4" round leds on ebay on my mirrors. they will be running lights and turn signals.

i bought this to do what i wanted. firstly the ones that came in the mail have a ground wire that wasnt pictured...

what its doing: has a diode and a resistor on it. red to parking light, orange to signal. it just has a resistor on the red to dim the light, then the orange is full power to make it blink without fully turning off.

but anyway. the wires are like 22g. any problem with that size of a wire handing the small load ill have? the rest of my wiring is 14g and whatever stock light harness is.
"Works with any size LED up to 300mA per side"
and the leds i have no clue what rating they are

well i tested it out. i have to use the ground wire in the harness. i cant loop it around either. has to connect to my light on one end, pass through the harness, then to the trucks body ground.

might just be my specific led, but when blinking it turns on and off, it doesnt dim like they claim it will. oh well.

only thing that remains is is the gauge of wire to small in that harness?
