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air bags and rims


March 31, 2003
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City, State
san diego, ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 explorer sport
does anyone here have a body droped and baged explorer. if so can u tell me how much you paid to get it done and the bigest size wheels that you can fit on the car after it has been bagged to sit on the ground.

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I don't believe there is anyone on the site that has performed either a body drop or bags.

if you can lay frame the biggest you can fit on a 2nd gen is 20 inch without massive custom cutting.

My bag operations are in the works :)

I bought firestone 2600's with a 5 gallon tank and 125 compressor, 1/2 line with 4 independent switchs and dumps under the cab

Im currently creating my mounts to let the bags sit on. I bagged my 1st gen blazer 4x4 so this shouldnt be to bad. Im going to flip my torsion bars over for the full drop and allow bags to adjust my ride hieght. at full deflate im exspecting serious camber but should still be able to tuck 18"s maybe 20's if i take out my inner fenders. the real might be alittle more difficult but I should be able to just entend the wheel well a lil and make her pretty with fiber glass. id love to 4link the rear but with the way the X has its suspension it would almost be impossible.

greatxpectation- it will take some time, but check out this thread if you wanna adress the camber issues. i did it in a way that i can have zero degrees camber down to 5".

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hey great.. you have the awd too i bet.. you sure got a lot of work ahead of you, but if you get it done, id love to check your ride out. so many hot rides around where i live, i just dont have time to check them out..

GreatXpectation, if you're bagging it you might as well just take the t-bars out. That'll get you lower. And you'll have to pull your tank and run a fuel cell if you want a 4-link.

Yeah it's been done, but before flaming, at least be smart enough to follow up with proof... there's been alot of pics of bagged and body dropped sploders... as for members here that have done it, I can't name one off hand, although somewhere I'm sure they're there.. so start yer searchin and give us links... :rolleyes:

yes there have been LOTS of pics of body drops and bags posted............ unfortinatley i dont think there are hardly ne members with bags and i cant think of one body drop..................... the only memeber that comesto mond with bags as i stated above is racinjason and his a red first gen Explorer........ i think he had to make his own brakets ill try and find some pics



his name on here is racinjason68

and heres a link to his webpage here

Originally posted by RFR2212
got here too... on air, i think

just to let u know so no one gets mad at u

his is not on air YET i think he plans to but it isnt yet it jsut has 3 inch lowering ( it kinda says its on air BUT he has no pics of it on air as far as i can tell

BUT ~~ i may be completely wrong and i aplologize if i am


racinjason is air adjustable at this point. i think there are some pics of his truck leaning pretty good on the net somewhere. either way its just like bagging a lot of other vehicles and its no problem if you've done it before or can pay a shop who knows how.

Just cleaned up the "chatter"


i'm looking at this bagged 1st gen. xplorer n my hometown.....if i buy it i'll put pics up

Yes my '91 X is on Air... No bodydrop on mine though... There are some 1st gens out there with a b/d and on air... You can click my links below to see my X.. Good luck with your air ride.. I love mine... Later, RJ68
