Air Intake silencer removal? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Air Intake silencer removal?

Took out the silencer but I do like the idea just1me said

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Yeah this isn't mine, but this is the idea. Some of the guys running snorkels also do this to the factory airbox. I believe it would be just as good as a more expensive aftermarket cold air setup, and cost alot less to build.


Alternatively you could build something similar to this below, but I like the factory modified airbox idea.


I trust Ford engineers on this one.

Maybe I don't think the front suspension was built strong enough or the tires weren't big enough, but those changes are only because of things I want to do that the Sport Trac was never intended to do. What does anyone intend to do with their truck that they feel they need to change the Ford engineers' airbox design to make it better for those purposes? If it's just noise, I guess "to each their own." I just don't see this modification having any superiority over stock.

I trust Ford engineers on this one.

Maybe I don't think the front suspension was built strong enough or the tires weren't big enough, but those changes are only because of things I want to do that the Sport Trac was never intended to do. What does anyone intend to do with their truck that they feel they need to change the Ford engineers' airbox design to make it better for those purposes? If it's just noise, I guess "to each their own." I just don't see this modification having any superiority over stock.

Mine never had that silencer on it since I've had the truck, I drive in monsoon rain, blast through deep puddles and sometimes submerge my truck in almost 3' of water/mud.

Ok, but does it help you do those things better? That's my only point.

If it didn't have it when I bought the truck, I wouldn't go through the trouble of adding one, but I also don't see a point in removing one.

Ok, but does it help you do those things better? That's my only point.

If it didn't have it when I bought the truck, I wouldn't go through the trouble of adding one, but I also don't see a point in removing one.

I agree, it's just not that big of a deal really.

It doesn't help anything but the engine breath better. I agree with claims that an airbox of any design will put restrictions on air flow and increase air temp ranges inside the engine itself. By openin up the box and putting in a conical filter, you get more air into the engine. You could kind of debate that but I feel there is far more evidence supporting it than not. The better it can breathe the easier it can work. Just like exhaust, if it gets a lot of air and can get rid of it easier it will make the work necessary easier and prolly will wear the internal parts better.

I guess tires and suspension help you get from A to B no matter the terrain. Intake and exhaust help you get there faster. Ford Engineerers have to design these with things like restrictors to pass safety and usage regulations. They put conical filters and higher flow exhaust on performance vehicles for strip use, just like OffRoad built machines have solid axles and big tires. You take a daily driver oriented SUV/ Truck cross over you will get characteristics of both. Whether it be good, bad or indifferent to what you want to use it for.

Just my .02. There are many wiser than me.

HA! I've gotten bored too Luke. Glad to see I'm not alone. I was looking for my next mod and came across this. How do you like the outcome?

Problem with stock motor air/fuel mods are the small gains occur above 3000 RPM.
Unless you're accelerating at WOT or cruising in that range, offer little or no benefit.

Only reason I wanna do this and my exhaust is to shut the mouths of all the dodge fan boys at work when they wanna "race". Morons... The lot of them.

HA! I've gotten bored too Luke. Glad to see I'm not alone. I was looking for my next mod and came across this. How do you like the outcome?

TBH, I couldn't tell a difference.. Considered putting it back in in a couple weeks to see if I notice any bogginess, comparatively.

Could just be my mind, but I did notice my idling exhaust sound a little more today, though (deeper)..

I feel like I lost a mpg or two doing this. Either that or its my new driving style after removal, trying to "hear" the difference after removing it.. Lol..... Either way it's going back in this weekend
