All Ford Nationals and Paragon run, (PA) May 2003!! | Page 22 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All Ford Nationals and Paragon run, (PA) May 2003!!


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Awww, two years in a row I didn't place. I'm unlucky or something. That or I just need some 44 swampers and some shiny paint.

yep, you need to have a truck that can't be used for anything to place

Was there a larger turn-out this year? From the pics you guys posted of last years show, it didnt seem like there were that many trucks around you.

definitly a much larger turnout, the top of the hill where that reckursion was, there was noone past there on top of the hill were we were, it was all empty

I'm still pissed about those Super Duty owners parking erratically so that we couldn't all park together :mad:

The official head count for the AFN this year was 44,000+ people, whereas last year was only 30,000!

And that's with all the forcasted rain they had for that weekend (it did come, but we were all prepared)

Originally posted by Spas
I'm still pissed about those Super Duty owners parking erratically so that we couldn't all park together :mad:
I don't think they wanted to look small sitting beside that monster excursion:rolleyes: So I looked like a low rider next to it:D And i betcha I was in a lot of pictures!!:D :D

IAmTodd-And i betcha I was in a lot of pictures!!

I guess thats one way you could look at that. they are probably looking at their pics, saying things like, whats this little green explorer doing next to the Excursion? It looks so stupid next to it!-Them talking not me-

Or they could say, HEY thats a pretty nice Explorer next to that huge Excursion.... I wonder what he's done to it?
Or something to that effect.....:cool:

What the heck, I feel like getting a beating today...

Fug, you know how I keep saying women would probably find you a lot more attractive if you'd just stop making that face ? :D This is that face.... *runs and hides*



  • fug.jpg
    48.1 KB · Views: 590

Where you there too?

Hey guys, I just wanna throw an idea out here before Doug gets online and kills me :D

I got a reply from Truckin's SUV a few days too late for Carlisle....they're supposedly interested in seeing more of our sport trucks, maybe even giving us a short article! They said that they only really travel to shoot the big buck show trucks liek that damn Excursion, but they liked the few photos I sent them and asked if I could get a few of each of our choice mods (IE: Matt's suspension, CJ's whole front end, my sub box [had to laugh at that one], Mike's hood scoops, etc) and a shot of all of us together.

Mike tells me there's a soundoff competition in August at Etown- would the three of you be able to spare a day and come out so I can get some kickass pics or does anybody know of a show we could all go together sooner? I'd say we meet in hazleton, but I'm pretty sure that Matt would want the black truck if there's wheeling nearby ;)

Haven't heard back from peterson's yet, but I'd like to do the same thing with the offroaders soon, too...

:( Too bad I have nothing to show, cept for broken parts and stuff

Wait, Wait, Wait..... There's a well known magazine interested in doing an article on our trucks!!??!! :eek: :eek:

wow, thats a totally disturbing image of myself...

I'd definetly be interested. Now that i have my wheels I am no longer classified as stock;) Let me know of any shows and the dates. I'd be really interested and I staying fo the group pic this time :D

BTW- Thats one freaky pic up there ^^^:eek:

I think I can fix that for you doug, let me get my shovel...

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Wait, Wait, Wait..... There's a well known magazine interested in doing an article on our trucks!!??!!

Apparently so :eek: Are you sport truck owners up for it?

I have a question for everybody here.... What was your favorite/funniest Carlisle/Paragon memory?

I have so many that it's hard to choose, but it's a tie between Lizard's tirade on the stinky cow pattie pasture and the GT500 on the dyno :cool:
