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all mechanical engineers

jared ajlouny

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September 8, 2003
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i am thinking about becomming an engineer. i like inveting things and solving problems. anyone a mechanical engine neer and what do you do all day for work??? also how much do u get paind yearly (this is very important to me, becasu ei want to make the right decision and money is improtant) thanks for syour help

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I'm just an ME student, so I can't tell you for sure what the job would be like, but I will warn you that you better be ready for alot of upper level calculus, alot of matrix algebra and vector calc, differential equations, after that you get into the more interesting stuff. Materials science, alot of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics can get kind of hard at times but not too bad, statics isn't too bad, deformable bodies is pretty tough, and some of the circuits stuff gets kind of hard

Now for the positive side, if you do go ME get involved in your school's chapter of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) its definitely worth it, if you have a 3.0 gpa they have some pretty good scholarships, they have low interest student loans, you can participate in the student design contest which is alot of fun, and it looks pretty good on a resume

One great thing about engineering is that you don't write alot of papers, but the papers you do write are all technical papers, not too bad once you catch onto them, but you should definately expect to pull some late nights

Overall I would definitely recommend going ME

I am a civil engineer. The first three years of school are virtually identical. Many of the ME students I went to school with went to work for the Navy/Government working on shipboard systems. Other tasks included heating and air conditioning system design. Then of course there are the automobile areas. Suspensions and engine design and development are always in high demand. Check out the ASME web site for many of your answers. As for pay don't become an engineer if you want to make a lot of money, good money yes great money, no. I would expect to be paid $35 to 100 K depending on your experience and responsibility. Money can be better with ownership and ability. The best reason to become an engineer is so that you can have a career doing something that you want to and enjoy doing. If I had it to do all over again I would not change anything.

unclemeat said:
...The best reason to become an engineer is so that you can have a career doing something that you want to and enjoy doing. If I had it to do all over again I would not change anything.

Absolutely True.. If you get into any job because of the $$$ you'll be disapointed. Not in the $$$, but in your life. If you really like your job you'll excell at it and it will be something you look forward doing (instead of dreading).

I started out with a Mechanical Design degree, but never actually worked a day in my related field. What I discovered was that you had to spend a lot of time "working your way through the ranks" before you actually got to start doing what it was that interested you - and at low pay as well. Sort of a glorified drafting position - making changes to already existing work, etc.

That is not to try to talk you out of doing the ME thing - it can be very rewarding - but just to say that the reality of the job can be vastly different than the stated expectation. An alternative is to learn the trade, and then venture out on your own - or working for small firms that major on the invention/creativity aspects that you desire.

I am doing Industrial and Systems engineering. Its almost ME and buisness mixed i think. You figure out how to make a product then decide what the best way to fabricate it. There is alot of hands on stuff, but also alot of crunching numbers. its about 50/50. Not many college's offer this major, but take a look into it. if your all about the money, a fresh outta college IE student will make about 60-70k a year. Thats what my dean told me. Well thats what the students who graduate from RIT usually get. I am a Freshman at RIT, Rochester Instit of Tech


60k sounds a little high, if I remember the information they gave me when I was a freshmen, IE start out at around 40k-45k, which about the same as ME

tthats just what they told me, cuz those are the stats they get from there grads.

I was an ME have to like lots of upper level calc and physics. I loved the physics aspect but hated the calc. I originally got into it because of the money also and the fact that i was a gearhead and hoped to get into the automotive industry. I then realized that meant moving far from New England, which is something I didnt want to do. None of the ME jobs in my area really interested me. I wasn't happy with my classes (mainly calc and my computer programming course) and realized that i was putting in tons of time and effort and was barely pulling a 2.5. I threw in the towel over the summer after I did a ride-along with my father (who is a cop) and realized that being a cop was totally my thing. I'm about a month into my new classes and couldnt be happier. If you think engineering is for you, start off in can always change majors (and if you do, youll never have to take a math or science class again :D. I doubled my math and science requirements for CJ). Whatever you choose, the best of luck to you ;)

and you two bickering about starting pay...the cost of living is higher here so everyone makes more in this area than in iowa ;)

and you two bickering about starting pay...the cost of living is higher here so everyone makes more in this area than in iowa

Good point :)

jared ajlouny said:
i am thinking about becomming an engineer. i like inveting things and solving problems. anyone a mechanical engine neer and what do you do all day for work??? also how much do u get paind yearly (this is very important to me, becasu ei want to make the right decision and money is improtant) thanks for syour help

Don't worry too much about money! Do something you LIKE first;
and worry about money second. If you're not happy, it doesn't matter how much you make.

hmm. well..check that...I would shovel s*** in Louisiana for 200,000 a year.

I'm not an M.E., I was an M.E. student, but now I'm an Engineering Technology student with an emphasis on Mechanical. The math is my weakness. I go to Cal Poly Pomona. What I really like about being in and aroung Engineering is the ability to design/fabricate/machine what ever is needed. I have learned how to use lathes, mills, and other machines. I had a class where we made a ball peen hammer out of aluminum stock for the handle and cold rolled steel stock for the hammer head. There are also the SAE teams that students can be involved with, on the Formula team or the Mini Baja team. I understand that Engineers aren't always in the shop building new things.

thanks for the replies guys. the reason i am thinking about doing this is becasue i like to solve problems,a nd invent things, im always thinkang about how to make things better and the pros and cons of everyting. but if i was going to go to school for this i want to make good money, if the money is really that bad as you guys are saying (70k is low for me) than i might choose something else

In my 2 engineering co-op's i've had the amount of knowledge that i've used from my 3 years in college = 0%

maybe problem solving....

Of all of the engineers i've talked to at these co-op's, they say the only thing they use from their ME degree is problem solving and a better understanding of trig/basic algebra

My plan is as of now is to move back to Charleston and get a job as an engineer for a few years, bank away as much as possible and see if i can get into a partnership with a dockside bar or maybe try to get into the historical remodeling/restoration business

Sad to say but 1/2 way through my junior year, 2 co-ops under my belt, I can say that I don't want to be an engineer. and i was die hard engineering coming into school

not to be pessimistic, just keep an open mind about everything in college

jared ajlouny said:
but if i was going to go to school for this i want to make good money, if the money is really that bad as you guys are saying (70k is low for me) than i might choose something else

What rfuree11 said about cost of living was right, here in Iowa $40k is a pretty good job, $70k is darn near rich, you should try to investigate what the starting pay for an engineer in your area is, and also remember we are talking starting pay, that can change pretty fast. I imagine if you call the engineering department for the school you are thinking of going to, they can give you a little better information
