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All you need to know about keyless entry

I have a 98 Explorer XLT w/ factory remote entry and alarm. The parking lights don't flash when I use the remotes or when the alarm is activated. Every else seems to work fine, the horn chirps on lock, the interior/puddle lights come on on unlock. Is this a problem somewhere or is this user programmable. I'd like for the parking lights to flash. Any help is appreciated.

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Only one exception I would make to post number one. I have a 95 X and the directions for programming the FOB is as you quote, turn key on off eight times and door locks will lock and unlock, That was not what mine did. Mine activated after only five times and then I was able to program them. I have no idea why this abnormality and I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but if the door locks lock and unlock before the eighth time go ahead and program you FOBS.

I have only had this X for a little over a year, but the drivers manual and the card with the Keyless entry code was in it. I did have to buy and program two FOBs for my wife and I to both have one, but no problems in doing that except for the exception I noted.

yea update.. i did finally get mine to work the next day messing with it again, and it is 5x, i believe its up to 97 (what i have) and then 98+ is 8x.. could be wrong.

Also to whoever posted about the factory alarm. I have one and I'd like to know where it is installed at because it doesn't do anything anymore...

I too would like to add the keyless entry/ key pad and alarm from my 96 limited to my 95 XLT. Is it possible? I know I need to change the wiring in the doors for the heated mirrors. What else would I need to change? Wiring isn't too much of a challenge for me. just give me a diagram and I am good to go.


Thanks for the info!

Now I need to figure out how to read the sticker since there is NO space between it & the panel! UGH!

Very simple, I just did it a few minutes ago. Take the top screw out on the module. Push the module up about 2 or 3 inches, and push it in towards the fender until you can see the 5 digit code.

Very simple, I just did it a few minutes ago. Take the top screw out on the module. Push the module up about 2 or 3 inches, and push it in towards the fender until you can see the 5 digit code.

I used a dental mirror....it worked, but the mirror is now between the panel & the body.:eek:

can any body help me i need a wire diagram for the keyless enter so i can see if its a bad wire or if i need the bran box for it

1995 ford explorer xlt 4x4 please and thank you

......but on the roadside assistance card it has a keycode of ####X... how can "x" be a factor??? I haven't had a chance to look in other places to see if there is a different code. any suggestions??

This isn't the code for the door. This is the actual key code for roadside. If you lose all your keys they can use that code to cut a new one for you.

Great info!

Now I just have to find out if mine came with FOB's. I do have the keypad, but the manual clearly states that FOB's were an option in addition to it. The car came with the "Power Equipment Group", but I don't know what was included with it.

I guess the "FCC" number on the module is a good indication that it does support FOB's (my MGM doesn't have that printed thus keypad), but I want to make sure before spending the money for a replacement FOB.

BTW: My keypad on the driver's door didn't work. I took it out and cleaned it (remember, almost 10 years old, lots of exposure to water/dirt and more). After that, the keypad works flawless.

Thanks again. My dealer charges only $44.99 for a new FOB, but wanted $65 for the code readout. No wonder that Ford is going downhill.


05' RAP 5 Digit CODE?

Can anyone lend assistance in finding the location of the RAP module or better yet the 5 digit keyless code on an 05'? Any help would be great... THANKS!

I just located the box and saved myself 80 bucks from ford. thank you. big save, haha

Okay, I finally found out that the car in fact did come with FOB's.

Now, in order to buy a new (or used) one, does the FCC code have to match? I noticed that most of the ones offered state the inprint on the back. Does it somehow have to match a number from the vehicle?


I just bought a key less entry remote...and ive done everything and i still cant get it to programme? ITS A 97 XLT can anyone give me any ideas? I have turned the key 5x and thats when the doors lock to confirm programming. Then i hit the button within the 20 seconds and it doesn't work...what am i doing wrong?

Which might brings this post back to my last question: Does the FCC number on the back of the remote somehow have to match something from the car?


In my 01 sport, that was located behind the passenger airbag. All i had to do was lower the glovebox, removed the two bolts holding the airbag, slipped it out, then there were two other bolts holding the module in, which i removed and pulled the module out far enough to read my code. Very simple task....

I just bought a key less entry remote...and ive done everything and i still cant get it to programme? ITS A 97 XLT can anyone give me any ideas? I have turned the key 5x and thats when the doors lock to confirm programming. Then i hit the button within the 20 seconds and it doesn't work...what am i doing wrong?
1) Make sure the fob/remote is putting out a signal. Some auto parts stores have a generic receiver (Autozone here in St. Louis has one) - use it to test your remote(s). Could be just a bad battery.
2) If it's not the remotes, check the antenna at the RAP. I just checked mine and it appears to be 'open' - so, there's no way for the RAP to get the signal from the fob. Use an ohmmeter to test for resistance - it's supposed to be <10 ohms.
3) Could be the RAP module. Junk yard is the cheapest place.

To program the hand held remotes:
Unlock all doors using the power door lock/unlock control. Insert a key and turn the ignition from the 1 (OFF/LOCK) to the 3 (ON) position and cycle between 1 (OFF/LOCK) and 3 (ON) eight times in rapid succession (within 10 seconds) with the eighth turn ending in the 3 (ON) position. The locks will cycle to confirm that the programming mode has been entered. Within 20 seconds, program a remote transmitter by pressing any button on a transmitter. The locks will cycle once to confirm that the remote transmitter has been programmed. (If more than 20 seconds pass before pressing a remote transmitter button, the programming mode will exit and the procedure will have to be repeated.) Repeat the previous step to program additional remote transmitters. NOTE: All fobs must be programmed on the same time for all fobs to work. The locks will cycle once to confirm that each remote transmitter has been programmed. When you have completed programming the remote transmitters, turn the ignition to the 1 (OFF/LOCK) position or wait 20 seconds. Again the doors will lock/unlock to confirm programming has been completed.

I have a 1994 explorer. I lost my key fob today and i have to have it to start the truck. Well the backup one i have will not work. i replaced the batteries.. did your procedure and the darn truck never goes into program mode for me to even program the other fob.. what sucks.. my car i use for work is in the shop and now i cant even start my truck to get to work!! now i have to burn vacation time to see if a Ford dealer can even help me without the vehicle there in person, since i cant start the dang thing..:mad:

If you enter your code and then hit 3/4 as a sixth digit for your code it unlocks all your doors for you.... atleast it does on mine....


2001 sport code is not there

I pulled off the left rear panel cover on my 2001 sport, and the box/code is not there. Just the seat belt roller thing. Any idea where the code is on the sport?

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