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Another Ebay dummy

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lol.. "You are bidding on a perfect picture of a used XBOX ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM" just think someone won the auction @ $152.49"

HAHAHAHA. WOW. Someone payed $152 for "it"


The winner is going to be pisssed when he gets a very thin evenlope. I smell some negative feedback coming.

Edit... hahah - there won't be any envelope - it's a digital photo!

Thats a perfectly legal auction.. The dumb idiots who bid on it obviously did not read the description very well..

What a jacka$$!! It is people like that who ruin a good thing like ebay. The sad part is, someone thought they were actually getting an Xbox-too bad. The lesson here is: Read every word of the auction.

That will teach the person to read the fine print where it states that it is a digital photo only and the size of it.

OWNED!! Haha, gotta love this part of the description too: You can't find this picture of these combined items anywhere else!
This is a great picture of an excellent Xbox collection!
And I'm sure you can't, that picture is one-of-a-kind :p

He got...........


  • ownedtit.jpg
    16.4 KB · Views: 265

Perfect example of why I read EVERY word before I bid. They guy that bought it can't be mad at anyone but himself.

"Uh... I need your email so I can send it to you".....LOL

I remember things like that happened a couple of times when the PS2 first came out. People where just selling pictures for like 600 bucks and where able to get away with it.

I would send him a picture of the money :)

Damn he/she actually paid for it.. Then again its a perfectly legal contract, it buyer beware and read the description carefully.

I wonder when this person will figure out that they had bought a picture?

I dont see a memory card in the pic.

If he is half a decent person, he would take this whole thing as a joke and let the guy who bid on it know it. Otherwise, he would just be $152 richer A$$hole.

Not cool. :nono:

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I wonder if the person who bought it can claim it was faulty by not having a memory card in the pic :rolleyes:
