Any other women get grief? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any other women get grief?

Thanks for the encouragement (there's no smiley to describe a sad half smile!)

One nicety is that now I can do whatever I want to my truck and not have to worry about being reprimanded for it ....

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That is alot of time together. It will take some time but you will find a man that will enjoy your enthusiasm for Explorers and cars in general.
My wife is not into cars much at all but we are going to tur our basement into a family room with a 1950's theme and told me I could build all the '50's model cars I want to display.
Lets just say Ebay has become a full time shopping trip:D

I'm sorry to hear about your break-up also. They are hard things to deal with, specialy how long you were an together. I think if he doesnt love you for who you are and what you love then he's not worth your time and effort. LOVE WILL FIND YOU ;)
I think thats why Ryan (my BF) and I get along so well because we enjoy all of the same things. Doing those things together is the best part about our relationship.
I wish you the BEST of luck, and healing, cause I know its not easy.


Thanks, Rubyn- I hear time heals all wounds..well, I don't know about that, but it does get a little easier as time goes by..

Strong women (ie: those who hang out on the Explorer page and put up with the guys;) ) can eventually get over anything. Good luck with the healing process.

And do something cool to your truck out of spite.

Originally posted by Muskrat
Cats are assholes. They only come to you when they want something.:p

If you only knew my Rodney...21lbs of orange furry love.

Since my wife and I can't have children at the moment, he qualifies as our son. (see for reason as to why no kids yet!)

Spas! Just to let you know...YOUR COOL! "F" those stupid people. MY wife has been looking for a long time to find a good "female" friend and I bet you two would hit it off well together! Don't let idiots get to you!

Spas, "ENOUGH WITH THE CAR TALK!" this is an Explorer board, and the Explorer is a Truck:p

BTW, I still think dogs are much cooler than cats:p

hmmm..I wonder if a MUSKRAT would make a good pet...? Might have to get ahold of one and chain it to a tree, see how it handles captivity :D

On an aside, my Ex is making it REALLY easy for me to get over him- Just found out that he started dating some chick the DAY after we broke up :mad: Fooey on him! Anybody know of a single dude at least 6' tall and between 24-28 with a lifted Ford looking for a girlfriend? ;) :D NO CHEVIES!!


you have to catch me first:p and I know your truck couldn't follow mine:D

Looks like I'm late as all get out posting on this thread.

First of all, let me wish the best to Spas!!!! I feel your pain girlfirend. Although we were never engaged, my X and I borke up after dating for 10 years!!!!!!

Time will become your bestfriend.....yadda, yadda, yadda. Just be strong and stay positive, you never know how things will turn out!! And ALWAYS, ALWAYS, remember...IT"S HIS LOSS!!!!

If I didn't think they'd bumb me outta the forum, I'd tell you what I really think about men and women , that have quarks about us.

Now I have my days, when I'm all flowered and dolled up. I'll even throw on perfume and war paint, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut I love my X, and I do as much of the work on it as I can. I own a 4-wheeler, I love my beer out of a bottle, I smoke a cigar every now-and-then, I love sports, I love blue jeans, I don't mind getting dirty, I hunt, I fish (even put on my own worms), and I LOVE MEN!!!

If I had a dollar for everytime some chick smirked, because I stayed with the guys will all the chicks talked nails and hair, I'd be rich!!! SCREW UM!!! This is me so deal with it!!!! Funny though, some of these are the same chicks that call me when there car is making that funny noise..."what do you think it could be?". Hmmm, I guess I'm not too masculine then huh?

Every now and then I re-read this thread and smile :)

Still single, but I'm having more fun than ever with my extremexplorers and holy hell has Blackjack come along in just a few months!

I've actually decided to get into custom fiberglassing/audio installation because I enjoy messing with my truck so much :cool:

I noticed something else comical that you ladies might be able to relate to: Ever been cruising to a mall, parts store, etc, with the windows up and realized that there were chicks checking out your truck? LOL I can't speak badly about them, because I know I'd do the exact same thing if I spotted a nice looking ride, but damn is it funny when I get out and they realize they were scoping out another girls' truck! :D

Originally posted by Spas
I've actually decided to get into custom fiberglassing/audio installation because I enjoy messing with my truck so much

What have you got planned for Blackjack now?

Originally posted by Spas Anybody know of a single dude at least 6' tall and between 24-28 with a lifted Ford looking for a girlfriend?

Does 2 out 3 count? I'm 6'2" and the ploder's going up this fall, but I'm past the whole 28 thing. (j/k) :D :p
Glad to hear you are still doing well. :cool:

What have you got planned for Blackjack now?

Oh man, what don't I have planned, lol. 347's high up there on the list just because it's the biggest and most interesting challenge...Fiberglass or carbon fiber induction + extraction hood, side exit exhaust, shave the roofrack and paint the roof, fab some unique front and rear bumpers, new sub box enclosure made of fiberglass, 2 video screens, etc...Of course, it's all talk until you have the pics to prove it, but I'm psyched about it like you wouldn't believe :D
Now to find the money/sponsors :rolleyes:

Does 2 out 3 count? I'm 6'2" and the ploder's going up this fall, but I'm past the whole 28 thing. (j/k)

Lol, it's the thought that counts, thank you :)

wow, resurected:p I'm really leaning towards a hood scoop for my truck soon too, functional:D, let the ******* breathe better

guess I've been hiding under a rock or something

Well...I have to say Linds....I'm starting to go through the whole thing with mine right now.... I happen to think he is slightly jealous because he doesn't have the $$ to put into his truck right now.... he hates his job...and he just grunts when I mention doing anything to the Explorer. One time he even came out and flatly said, "fourwheeling is for guys, why don't you do some crotcheting or tia chi?" After I stopped laughing hysterically, I clentched my fist and had to hold back from suckering him in the schnaz..... he knew that I was, is and always will be like I am....if he wants "barbie" doll or "girlie girl" he is lookin the wrong way...


I can't find any ladies that would put up with me. I talk about fast cars, big trucks, snowboarding, surfing and drinking beer and all the chicks I have dated want to talk about shopping, tanning and horrible gossip about my friends. I always check out the pretty ones, make the move, go in to talk to them and then when they open their mouths I get disgusted and walk away... I hate that! I have met a few that can be my Southern Belle, but they end up having serious a**hole boyfriends already...

Not all girls are into shopping, and the like, I hate it and don't go unless I have to. I'm the kind of woman who likes watching extreme sports, especially freestyle motocross. I love action movies like the Fast & the Furious, the cars are so cool in that movie

I am also very much into computers...yes, I am what you'd call a computer nerd I get along better with guys more than girls and have always been that way. And it seems my two daughters are following in my footsteps :)

Karol, you shoulda socked him one, lol...Did he ever see that thing I wrote on the back of your X at Carlisle? The one that says "Wish my man was this dirty" ? :D ;)

Lol @ VBVA....I'm the same way, only in reverse! I have yet to meet a guy who can compete with Blackjack, seriously :eek:

Rat, I can make you a functional hood scoop...let me go find a sawzall and we'll talk :D

that's what I'm talking about, offset, hole right through, just need to figure out how to keep the water out:p

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Originally posted by Spas
Karol, you shoulda socked him one, lol...Did he ever see that thing I wrote on the back of your X at Carlisle? The one that says "Wish my man was this dirty" ? :D ;)

LOL nah I dropped the Ex off at Draper's house right after the show... never told him about it...problem is...he likes to go wheeling .....but he has this thing about me doing it..or us doing it together.... he rants that he has "no interest" in PAP whatsoever because some of the Ranger guys came back from a run there and said they would'nt go back.... yada yada... I know that none of them (Rangers) said that....just an excuse yada yada... just never wants to do what I wanna do... it's just his way or the highway type of crap...and it's causing alot of crap in my life I don't want right now.... so I'm doing my own thing.....if it falls apart, it falls apart.... but I refuse to go on sittin here because he doesn't want to do this or that..... too bad...see ya when I get back....if you don't like it you can kiss my a$$!! lol... sorry for the rant just needed to vent!!

