Any thoughts on a Spring meet? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any thoughts on a Spring meet?

When to have a Spring Meet

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Jen, as of now I don't know if I will be able to come, I had planned to but when I was watching Survivor I started getting severe pains in my chest so my brother took me to the hospital, seems the pain is being caused by an irregular heartbeat, this has never happened to me before, so they want to know why, especially when I had a physical a month ago and there was no problem.
I was admitted and I have to have a bunch of tests, so I don't know when I will be released. If I'm released Saturday morning I'll will be there. If not, I'm so sorry.

At least I have my laptop with me and the hospital has wireless Internet, so I won't be too bored

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Be sure to keep us posted Sandy. I am sure everyone will be praying for ya.

Jen, as of now I don't know if I will be able to come, I had planned to but when I was watching Survivor I started getting severe pains in my chest so my brother took me to the hospital, seems the pain is being caused by an irregular heartbeat, this has never happened to me before, so they want to know why, especially when I had a physical a month ago and there was no problem.
I was admitted and I have to have a bunch of tests, so I don't know when I will be released. If I'm released Saturday morning I'll will be there. If not, I'm so sorry.

At least I have my laptop with me and the hospital has wireless Internet, so I won't be too bored

Sandy, sorry to hear. Hope all will turn out well.
I do need a tally before midnight tonight of all who's coming to the meet. I will then PM my address if I already haven't done so...

I have your address, just need the time. Dr told me I would be released Saturday or Sunday, I'm hoping to be released tomorrow but time will tell.

Jen, as of now I don't know if I will be able to come, I had planned to but when I was watching Survivor I started getting severe pains in my chest so my brother took me to the hospital, seems the pain is being caused by an irregular heartbeat, this has never happened to me before, so they want to know why, especially when I had a physical a month ago and there was no problem.
I was admitted and I have to have a bunch of tests, so I don't know when I will be released. If I'm released Saturday morning I'll will be there. If not, I'm so sorry.

At least I have my laptop with me and the hospital has wireless Internet, so I won't be too bored

Wow, that's awful. I hope everything turns out ok. :(

Hope you get better soon!!!

Wow, that's awful. I hope everything turns out ok. :(

Hey LedZeppelin have you thought about joining our club? I live a town over from ya & can fill ya in on our lil club :)

That sucks Jen, I really thought somebody would have come, I know I would have had I been able to:(

Hey it happens right? But people we DO need to get a meeting together so that new members can get an understanding of who we are as a club...
