Any trails in central VA area? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any trails in central VA area?


Elite Explorer<br>ECX Member
January 26, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Mechanicsville, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XL 2dr
I saw a posting on northern Va a little bit ago, but I was wondering if anyone knows any trial in the richmond area. I'm in Hanover (a bit north of richmond). I'm sure I could find some places around here, but it would all be private property probably. I'm gona lift my Explorer within a couple of weeks, and wanted to test it out.


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I'm in Richmond (west end), so I also would be very interested in finding some trails around here. I heard something about a Virginia 4 Wheeldrive Association or club and that they can tell you were to go. I'm not sure about the name, and I haven't been able to localize them, but maybe you are. If you find out something, let me know.

A couple of my friends know some people who have trails on their property. Nothing great, I don't think though. One of my friends parents might be getting a piece of land out about 30 min. away from here (between Hanover and Louisa). I did see a trail, i think it was a trial, in Ashland, right next to I-95. I'm gona check it out pretty soon, and I'll let you know then.


I forgot to add that my friend who's parents might buy that land would let us on it. He is probably gona get an Explorer... he wants a Black '97 sport. He doesn't wana to take if off road though. He just wants to put a little bigger tire (30x9.50), and trick out the engine. I'm gona try to get him on here and get him into the fix up bug and lift it, or atlest get some off-road tires. But either way, they will probably let us on there.


Sounds interesting!
