Anyone Tow A Car with their Explorer Sport? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone Tow A Car with their Explorer Sport?

You probably don't want to race any of my stuff...just some old Buicks...some with 6 spark plugs, some with 8. I'm not afraid of twisty roads either.. :D

Hey now, don't make me come up to Ohio and put a whopping on ya :D my old explorer may have 200,000 miles and mud tires. But I'll throw it into a curve so fast you'll poop your pants :eek: if I really feel it, I might race you in my Spark. The gas pedal sticks so it makes for a good race car. Cause it really does never let off lol

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hey now, don't make me come up to ohio and put a whopping on ya :d my old explorer may have 200,000 miles and mud tires. But i'll throw it into a curve so fast you'll poop your pants :eek: If i really feel it, i might race you in my spark. The gas pedal sticks so it makes for a good race car. Cause it really does never let off lol


Judging by the OPs current rides, a few hundred dollars for a WD hitch isn't going to brake him.

An old f250 can be bought for cheap, cheap to insure, and tow more comfortably.

Except for the insurance part, sounds like you're describing a wdh. Bought mine for $202.87 shipped to my front door. How much cheaper can you get?

I agree though that for one time use, I may not bother but for a multi-state round trip, I would bother. Besides, OP will use it 2x's...once on the way there and once on the way home. :D:D:D
