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APIM Dead- two weeks?


Active Member
December 5, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Limited
My MFT screen went dark. Took it into the dealer and they said the APIM has to be replaced. Said it will take two weeks to get the part.
So for two weeks, no MFT and no radio!
Does this sound right, two weeks?

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mine was replaced the next day when mine went out. they didn't have one in stock.
I guess it's all about availability. if the dealer is out and the warehouse is out, you'll have to wait.

My MFT screen went dark. Took it into the dealer and they said the APIM has to be replaced. Said it will take two weeks to get the part.
So for two weeks, no MFT and no radio!
Does this sound right, two weeks?
That doesn't sound right for such an integral part of the vehicle's system. But if there isn't a supply then there isn't much you can do. I assume you also lose the phone function but you should still have some control over the Climate System with the Sony touch pad. I can only guess that the APIM must be failing at a greater rate than Ford anticipated if they don't have it in stock.


That's right Peter,
Radio is out
Nav is out
Phone / Bluetooth is out
Climate can be controlled from dash control or Sony console, but no heated seats.
Long drive coming up for Thanksgiving, I will have to bring my circa 1980's portable CD / cassette player, it still works.
Have one more painful year on the lease, then it's goodbye Explorer. It's a shame, because I like the car, but MFT is like Windows ME, not quite ready for Prime Time.

APIM woke itself up this morning like nothing had ever happened. Acting like my dog after tearing up the garden hose. Dog- "What? Nothing wrong here, sure happy to see you! Everything is just fine, what hose?"

Still another good reason NOT to buy a Ford...............

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