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March 7, 2008
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2000 v north face
.........transfer cases the same?

would say one off a 98' fit a 2000 north face and if so who has one and for what price?

giza bell please si, and we will discuss parts off your motor.

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transfer cases differ from engine to engine and year to year.
it is possible a 98 transfer case might fit your 98 truck, but
"North Face" means nothing to us

Your 2000 Explorer has what drivetrain?
AWD or 4x4?

In 2000 they were available with:
4.0L OHV
5.0L OHV

All UK sold explorers are 4x4 4 door with the 4.0 sohc engine. So I would say that there is a very good chance that the transfer cases are the same or at least interchangeable.

:thumbsup: thank you for the input guys.

Yo mick ,I think you need the one with the vss on the rear diff not on the transfer case rear output shaft,
mate I might have what you need if my old T/C is ok (good chance) its going back on asap

ohh yer my understsnding is you can swap the inernals over which ever 4405 just the cases + sensors differ
correct me if im wrong pls..

good point but after 98 the speedo gets it's info from the rear abs sensor, so no vss on tailshaft. So long as you get a tc without the vss you should be ok.

Not after 98, after 97 ;) -- the 97s had a VSS and the 98s did not, at least that's how it is on this side of the pond.

BigHVM has a 2000 North Face...

Not after 98, after 97 ;) -- the 97s had a VSS and the 98s did not, at least that's how it is on this side of the pond.

You are quite correct, but there was a delay over here due to the import process. I have seen 98's with the vss and the early rear hatch, which is why I recon that if you get hold of a tc from a vehicle after 98 then it is sure not to have the vss. But even if you get an ealier one then you can just leave the vss dis-connected, unless you need a vss in which case get a tc from a 97 model.
