Aussie locker help asap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aussie locker help asap


Well-Known Member
February 10, 2007
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i knew this thing went in too easy. So, I have a 4.10 open diff from an 01 sport, and put an aussie locker in. Everything went in smooth as can be (f that clip though). Tolerances were all withing spec. But, i go to "test" it by holding the driver's side wheel, and trying to rotate the passenger wheel in the opposite direction. here is the problem.... it doesn't rotate. both wheels spin fine together, nothing's binding. Basically the locker is fully locked, and won't unlock. any idea what i f'ed up on?

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...I'm not familiar with your set up but have a couple questions for you...

..:scratch:...Is this the front or the rear that you are talking about???...

..I think this is the front so my next question would be, Did you do a brown wire mod???

...And what was the spec. tolerance. for the locker you installed???

Well it's been some time since I installed mine, but I don't remember being able to make the locker rachet with the wheels up off the ground. I'm thinking that you will get the racheting effect once the vehicle is on the ground.

rear. no bwm, its a 5.0 with a 4406. installed tolerance between the center pin and gears, and the installed tolerance between the two cams. all were within spec as listed in the aussie locker manual.

yeah i'm hoping it'll behave when its on the road, but i want to be damn sure everything is how it should before i drive it. major driveline components are the last thing i feel like replacing, (minus the new 4.10 axles of course haha).

Sounds like the Aussie is working okay.

Unlike a true Detroit and so on, lunchbox lockers cant be ratcheted by hand (unless there's something wrong).

I wasn't able to make my front aussie ratchet by hand, but I went out in the yard in grass with the hubs locked and turned sharp and it worked fine.

good news then. wonder why they say it should in their instructions then.....

Did you use any assembly lube when you put it together? Or did you fill up the pumpkin with oil yet? That may hurt the racheting...

Also, is the truck in gear so that there is resistance on the driveshaft? I seem to recall that being a step in the test process.

Its kinda hard to mess these installs up. I even remember my specs for the front 35 being out of range and Aussie said it was ok.

yeah they pretty much only go together one way. I tried this with the truck in park. should it be in gear instead? well i put it together with a mix of assembly lube and high temp grease to hold the pins in. there's no fluid in the case because, well, i'm putting synthetic in and its not exactly cheap.
