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AZ Run Photos!!

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I really think Aquaman should get some recognition for his extra efforts in helping out the Motorbike guys. They even drove an hour out of their way to take the guys back to their vehicle!! True spirit of Offroading!


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RicK towing J**p across the river

Sunday sure was a day for helping out others on the trail. This is Rick towing the hydrolocked J**p across the river, looking from the other side!


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The cop who came to our house Saturday night really was pissed...

He said everyone left too early and by the time he got off work no one was left! He did ring our doorbell at midnight though and we had a drink with him before I had to hit the sack.

I wish I had a photo of him pulling up with his lights :D He said had he known how many of us would be there he would have grabbed a friend and both of them would have come down with sirens and lights to shake things up:D

COPs get all the cool toys to play with....:D
Glad to year it was a good time, I am sorry I missed out.

It's Friday and I was starting to think back that it was only a few day's ago that I was doing the Terminator (sp) with you guy's, how time flies by.......:(

You're not kidding Paul. Feels like just yesterday! These trips get you all pumped up and then they're over way too quick.

Well rick we might be back sooner than you think:D

Sounds good Tom, I just hope my truck is done before the hot weather sets in.

Rick, I didn't get to walk the terminator with you guys on Friday. How would you classify the terminator vs Raw deal.

Terminator was about the same in difficulty, there is just one spot that you have to get through clean or you can put it on it's side real easy. Lots of fun obstacles to work.

Nothing like this though:

That Armaggedon trail has to be the nastiest, mind boggling, evil trail I've ever seen. It made Raw Deal look like a freeway. :confused:
If you look at the faces in the foto we all have blank stares:eek:

Here are some video clips. Sorry for the dial up guys... the files are between 1.5 and 6 megs.

Here is an overview of what the day was like on the Crown King Trail:
Crown King Traffic

Oh those crazy runners, I saw the same couple people the entire way up. Wont catch my big Ars walking up that mountain!

Nice video's Rick!:D Thank's for putting them up. I just remember that we didn't do the Terminator we just walk it. I told Winter that I wanted to do it though, he just smile at me. I think he wants to wait until the back is done.

Anyone who did Raw Deal that day could do Terminator. Anaconda is another story. You wouldn't catch my Explorer on that trail until the body already looks like a smashed beer can... Cuz if it didn't look that way going in, it will look that way going out... guaranteed.

Still MORE Carnage!

AZ Run Gang,

Spent the day tracking down that Rt wheel "Squeel" that I was experiencing starting Sat. nite in AZ. It got noticeably worse yesterday (Fri)... thought it was the calipers not sliding freely causing the pads to drag..... But NOOO! The inner wheel bearing was trash, and the bearing was seized onto the spindle! Managed to get it off and save the spindle :)

Took this opportunity to install the ART rotors we group purchased thru Fenderguy's buddy and that I've had in storage for over a year! Did all new bearings too, of course. Works great now.:D

Also, my skid plate under the xfer case was bent, and the welds holding the reinforcing angle iron I put in a while ago also broke. I can straighten and reweld though. Not too bad, but wanted to add this to the Raw Deal carnage list.

BTW, Rick...what are you having done to your truck?

Glad you caught that before it screwed up the spindle. Did the nuts back off and cause the damage??

My truck is in for the coil over shock conversion :D No ETA for the project though... I hate that.

Loose Nuts behind the wheel


Well. the right side was pretty loose, with lots of play. The left was better, and the bearings seemed OK on that side.'though I haven't pulled the inner from the hub and cleaned it up yet to inspect, but I think I've got more spare bearings.:)

I reset everything to factory spec with torque wrenches, and I plan to re-check them frequently.

FB on the coil-overs...hurry them along if you can without pissing them off

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Sorry it took me so long to reply to the thread. I have been busy, yes i have been under my x but not because of damage. Michael, first thing i did when i got home was removed rear sway bar for good, and cut the crude out of my fenders. Right know godspeed is sitting on jacks in the front yard. I have taken the front suspension off, and i'am playing with the idea of a 21" full legnth springs, and new housing, or coilovers. I went a head and ordered a set of king 2.5" coilovers. So we will see what happens. I'am real exsited about that. I do have some bad news though. On the way back my dad had a long talk about giving up My 1972 Dodge Dart with the custom 427 hemi:( . He thinks that if i'am going to pursue this froader stuff that i should sell it and infest the money into my x, which would mean a dana 44 front end, 9" currie rear end, and a blow your mind suspension. Even with all that i do not think i can give up up my 10 second Dart. My dad also said that he had mentioned that to you rick, and you din't seemed surprised. Oh, by the way i hope you and char liked the salsa and stuff. I got alot of picture of crown king trail that i will post as soon as i can.

Can't thank everyone enough for such a great weekend, everyone was so helpful, and patient, great teachers. special thanks to Rick for putting the whole run on, and another special thanks to winter for being a Killer spoter.

if anyone is intrested in doing a New Mexico run i would love to host and put it together. Think about.

Thanks once again everyone for a memoriable weekend,
