BBX in StreetSource Mag... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BBX in StreetSource Mag...

Yep, she might be in there... they like :D


  • p1010039.jpg
    79.8 KB · Views: 1,380

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Awsome!! Congrats man.

The color tone is just perfect.

Nice. Very nice... and oh, the truck isn't too shaby either!

how did i miss this thread? i saw the pic a long time ago, but never saw the thread...

congrats, thast sweet!

Nice ride man. Did you just mail the pics to them and ask them if they could put it in the mag ?

sorry dude, you know i like the truck and all... but this is by far the best part of the pic...


  • p1010039.jpg
    12.4 KB · Views: 896

wow, where did this come from? me like :eek:

funny... they were all over this when I first posted this but I haven't even heard from them since I posted it.

 what happened to seeing your truck dropped?

Um.....that's great.....
