Be leaving the explorer soon but not the ex family | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Be leaving the explorer soon but not the ex family


Explorer Addict
March 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Carey, Ohio (Georgia Grown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
Ok so the time has come. I want to move on get a next toy, something newer, plus i just need a truck. So ill be listing the Ex up for sale soon. i love this forum, i dont help much but i try, so ill stick around even after gone to try and help.

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Sorry to hear that you've definitely been a regular around here... You're still welcome to hang out no matter what you end up with:chug:

im staying in the ford family. would love to get a hold of a sport trac, but thinking something bigger. the forum has helped me out a lot, that is why it runs like a champ now, im gonna throw on new paint, rehang muffler and fix the break, then up she goes.

...We can't loose Family...:D

..Sooo... you are getting a Ranger?

Going f150 then? What gen are you looking at?

Why no ranger?

Why no ranger?.. to small for me..

Ended up with 05 f150 5.4

Currently having some issues with the f150

Wife just traded the Chevy Venture for a 01 Excursion

Looks nice. Whats going on with it? This might be an explorer forum but some of us know more :D

That picture wasnt taken today was it ?


lol no picture wasnt taken today.

05 f150 5.4. I have a misfire that ive been chasing like crazy. already put in new plug and swapped COPs a few times.

lol no picture wasnt taken today.

05 f150 5.4. I have a misfire that ive been chasing like crazy. already put in new plug and swapped COPs a few times.

What codes you got? Random misfire or a specific cylinder?

Always number 6. Even looked for a nicked wire. New fuel injectors. Something I've been pretty much battling some I bought the lemon.

Drive it. It wont get over 2k rpm and won't get over 15 mph maybe 25mph then goes into limp mode.
