Beaufort, SC.... What do you think?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Beaufort, SC.... What do you think??


Well-Known Member
June 1, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Chesterfield, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Sport
Alright, so I am an engineering student planning to graduate on May 20th. I am searching for jobs and had an interview and a request to come check out the plant in Beaufort, SC. It is about 20 miles north of Hilton Head, which I have vacationed at since I was 10 and LOVE it. My question for you guys is, have you ever been there and if so, do you like it?? I am from a small town in Virginia, approx. 190K. so I am no stranger to that. Just trying to get an idea of what to expect before I go down there in a couple of weeks. Thanks guys.

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Once, but I like it down here personally.

Ive lived in Charleston for 25 yrs...been to Beaufort a couple times, most notably for Marine boot camp. So my personal experiences there werent that great;)


Yeah, I have a soft spot for SC, myself. I love the coastline. Dont know how I would feel about it more inland, but where I would live is my favorite place ever. What are the seasons like? Is it rediculously hot and humid in the summer? or is it just hot like florida? The more people I talk to about it, the more excited I get. It seems most of the people who are from there loved the area. One of my parents rental houses is being rented to an admiral (ret.) in the navy who was just stationed and retired from Beaufort. He loved it too.

Wow, 190k ppl is a small town? Makes my home town of 18k look like a pimple on a gnats ass.

My bad, I said town and quoted county. The town prolly has close to 20-30K.
