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bedliner questions

I just picked a 97 dodge ram and It has a Rhino bed liner in it and it looks terrible. It has faded really bad and actualy has gouges and cracks that are turning into chunks falling out. Is there a warranty on these things? If so could it be transfered to me since im not the orginal owner? If not can you put a new spray in liner right over an old spray in liner? Or is there a product that will remove a bed liner and start over fresh? Im not so worried about the faded part but the holes and cracks I am.


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I know there is a warranty on the stuff, but I'm not sure if it'll transfer in your name. Say you put it on after you bought it or something. You should probably strip off the old stuff and then reaply the spray liner. I would take it like painting a car (sorda is like that); but you do not want to paint over rust and inperfections if you want something to turn out well. Good luck.


is this a good deal? I went to rhino liner today and they said I couldnt get a warranty for it cause im not the orginal owner. But they said they can fix all the imperfections and give the whole bed a complete respray over the rails for a 150.00 bucks. this comes with a life time warranty as well. should I go for this?

That's not too bad, considering a can of Herculiner + prep materials can easily run you $100. I'd pay the extra $50 for the lifetime warranty + labor.

i noticed in Petersen's offroad magazine that rhino lining makes a spray or whatever it is to "reshine" your truck bed. The link that was given was that of the rhino linings website. I may have to touch mine up too. hope this helps.
