Bench Seat In An ST? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bench Seat In An ST?


July 2, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Estero, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Explorer XLT
I have a 2022 Explorer ST with the captains chairs in the back as the ST comes standard that way. I looked into ordering one with a bench seat in the 2nd row because of our dogs. It would've taken at least six months for that to have come in and my wife didn't want to wait. So we got the standard captain's chairs. Fast forward about six months and she's not happy with them because, when we take them to the groomers, she has to sit in the back and hold one dog and the other sits in the other chair. Our dogs are both Shih-Tzus. Combine that with her not liking that the Explorer ST is not made to be a "grocery getter," and it made me wonder. Has anyone swapped out the captains chairs or come up with another alternative to make it so the captains chairs can be used more like a bench seat? Thanks in advance.

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Yes it is quite easy to do, the bolts are pre drilled. Check out and someone has a very informative article about this. Some people maybe want to trade your captains for bench too!

I stapled heavyduty Velcro to some plywood. That lays across the opening between the seats and the Velcro bites into the carpet so it doesn't slide. Then we throw a blanket over it and call it good.

^ That sounds like a winning idea
I love having the captain's chairs. We briefly looked into finding a set for our Flex when we had it, as it was a straight swap, but never got around to it.

I stapled heavyduty Velcro to some plywood. That lays across the opening between the seats and the Velcro bites into the carpet so it doesn't slide. Then we throw a blanket over it and call it good.
Way to hack my man!

I have a 2022 Explorer ST with the captains chairs in the back as the ST comes standard that way. I looked into ordering one with a bench seat in the 2nd row because of our dogs. It would've taken at least six months for that to have come in and my wife didn't want to wait. So we got the standard captain's chairs. Fast forward about six months and she's not happy with them because, when we take them to the groomers, she has to sit in the back and hold one dog and the other sits in the other chair. Our dogs are both Shih-Tzus. Combine that with her not liking that the Explorer ST is not made to be a "grocery getter," and it made me wonder. Has anyone swapped out the captains chairs or come up with another alternative to make it so the captains chairs can be used more like a bench seat? Thanks in advance.
Sounds like she never wanted the ST in he first place, bench or no bench. Go get her what she wanted and everyone will be a lot happier.

Sounds like she never wanted the ST in he first place, bench or no bench. Go get her what she wanted and everyone will be a lot happier.
I don't believe the member is around any longer. He was last seen here a year ago.

