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Best lights under 80 buxs

I’m looking for a set of lights for 94 Ford ltl 9000 a Dump truck, we are having a custom bumper built for the truck, after trying just about everything to get the damn thing to put out decent light and going trough many sets of cheap fog lights i decided to just get rid of the original bumper and having a custom one built to fit a decent pair of fog lights, the two headlights BLOW they dont light up worth a crap so i need a really good set of lights that i can mount on the bumper use them with the low beams and not worry bout lights ever again, I will try to post some pics to give u guys an idea of what the truck looks like, i dont know much about lights but i did put silverstars on the headlights and it helped a lil bit.
Now what kind of lights should i look for i dont think size its an issue as i can have anything done on this bumper even a special braket to mount the lights, i'd like to get the lights before i go ahead and have the bumper made so I show the guys at the shop that way they make everything perfect for them to fit.
Please help me as im thinking of getting the bumper this saturday!

thanks in advance.

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150-watt 385,000 candlepower KC daylighters.

Last I saw, the black and chrome were $79, stainless were $99.


are any of this lights road legal?

The KCs I mentioned certainly are NOT street-legal... Didn't think that's what you were looking for.

Nothing over 55 watts will be street legal as a low beam. I thought you were looking for something to augment the low beams.... used like a high beam, most municipalities won't have any issues with them.


all i want its a good set of legal yet powerfull fog lights to use with the low beams without blinding oncoming traffic =]

Dude, I got mine from walmart, yeah I know, but they are BRIGHT! Easily twice as bright as my buddies KCs. Not street legal, but I drive with the lights on my brushguard all the time and never had a cop say anything. They are called like Dessert Fox or something. They just have FOX in big letters on the removeable covers.
O, and the best part, $20 for a pair!!!!

Thats why I suggested The Hellas. Most, if not all the fogs are DOT OK.

where can i get my hands on a set of hellas without having to orther them online?
if not then im going with the ones explodersport mentioned

If you dont want to order online I would think that a town the size of Houston would probably have a shop or two that might carry fog lights. (perhaps an off road shop?)
Since I havent been in Houston for 50 some years I cant help.

Well after looking trough

I decided for the Hella 500's they seem very powerfull, are DOT aproved and best of all under 80 dollars.
I have a couple questions regarding this lights, on the website they have two diferent ones to choose from one of them its a driving light and the other one its a foglight wich one should i get? they are gonna be mounted pretty high considering the rig its lifted, the top of the hood its over 6 feet high, i need the best light posible!

here are some pics of the truck, check out the beat up bumper =] and the broken cheap fog lights




the lowest part of the bumper its around 2 feet from the ground.

The fog lights are used with the low beams.
The driving lights should only be used with the high beams.
I guess it depends on when/where you need the light.

well i guess the fogs would make more sence

they sell the hella 500 driving lights at waltmart for 70 bux!!!!

FexplorerV8 said:
they sell the hella 500 driving lights at waltmart for 70 bux!!!!

bear in mind fog and driving lights are different and there are rules regarding hteir use

i know, im gonna aim them really low

FexplorerV8 said:
i know, im gonna aim them really low

That is'nt going to help you see much better. Oh well.....

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