Big Bear??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big Bear???


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Ok we all need to get out... There is a bunch of EB's going out on June 9-10th which could be kinda fun, but I think it's a bit of late notice. :( I'm not even sure I would be ready.

So how about July some time... say 14-15 or 21-22 What works for everyone?

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july would be good depending on the weekend..

I havent really been on any trails up there other than just the regular dirt roads through holcomb valley and all that. How will my 2wd do??

My bad, I just read the EB dates. :p: A 5 day weekend in West Virginia with no sleep, drinking your meals and almost sinking a pontoon boat, will make you a little crazy. I need to recover.

how about the weekend after 4th of july...all the tourist are gone and it gives some of us time to work on our trucks...that would be perfect time frame for me i'm thinking..

First two weekends in July work for me. I'll race you all up the mountain. :burnout:

Before or after we get to the rocks?:p: because I don't think the Focus will do to well on the rocks:D

Before or after we get to the rocks?:p: because I don't think the Focus will do to well on the rocks:D
To make it fair, all the way to the campsite. That way when I get stuck in the dirt you guys won't be TOO far behind to come pull me out. :p:

Mid to late July should work for me. I will probably be out of town around the 4th and the following weekend.

I'm open for dates in July...I need some wheelin before then though, anyone up for a day trip on Cleghorn in June?

Cleghorn in June?
I can be there almost any time other than the weekend of the 22nd :thumbsup:

Sounds good Ritsui...i'll start a new thread for a Cleghorn run, don't wanna clog up this thread.

I'm open for dates in July...I need some wheelin before then though, anyone up for a day trip on Cleghorn in June?

I'm Listening:D

although, I have this weird leak that just started. I think it's the inner seal on the pass side of the front diff. :mad:

(Ben Stein's Voice)anyone...anyone.... anyone?

The last time I went (Gold Mountain and the easy part of John Bull), two lifted 2WD Ex's had to be strapped several times.

Lift alone probably won't do it unless you're locked in back.

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