billet grilles and installation?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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billet grilles and installation??


Well-Known Member
September 24, 2000
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1995 Sport 2wd
I have a 1995 explorer sport, and was considering a billet grille for it... The only problems are, where to get them, installation, and how to open the hood if you get one?? Because in mine the hood latch is under the grill where you have to reach under it and move a little latch thing. I really like the look of billet's, so I would like to get one, and any help, or pictures of your explorer with a billet would help! thanks!


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I wondered about the same thing - how you open up the hood? I thought about it too but I decided on getting a brush/grill guard instead. I've seen the billet grills on eBay for $55.00 but make sure you purchase from a reputable seller (one with several hundered positive feedbacks). Good luck!

Whatever you do, dont buy the $55.00 ones from the ebay guy! They are held on with tie wraps and you need a screwdriver to open your hood!! Buyer Beware! You get what you pay for.

I put one on my XLT. The current photo in my link isn't the best. (I'll try to post another) I went with the Steel Horse, $120-maybe. APC and Stull make them also. I had to take off the entire grill plate, then cut out the stupid fiberglass crossbars. Sand, paint, and screw the billet in. Just reinstall entire assembly and pop headlights back in. Took about 2 hours start to finish never have doing before. Go for it and good luck.

Kinda dark but there ia a billet grill and bumper billet

[Edited by Tekeman on 11-10-2000 at 07:51 PM]
