Black Cragar Soft 8 Center Caps! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Black Cragar Soft 8 Center Caps!

I am in the market for new center caps, my chrome ones are rusting :( :(

I have looked almost everywhere and CAN NOT find black ones. I know they make them because there is a J**P at my school that has soft 8's and black cragar brand center caps.

If I cant find center caps, I may just have to go for Sh*tty off brand ones and I dont like that. Wanna represent my cragars! Would it be a good idea to maybe sand blast these suckers and repaint them? Or some way to paint them black? Line-X/ Rhinoskin??

All of those "metal" soda can center caps will always end up rusting unless you powdercoat or rhino line them, jmo.

Here's my Soft 8's with factory Ex caps.



Those caps look awesome! What year is your explorer?

2nd Gen Ex's and some Rangers.
