body lift vs. suspension lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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body lift vs. suspension lift


January 31, 2001
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I have a '92 Explorer 4x4 4-dr and I would like to lift it. The biggest problem I'm having is that the suspension lift is really costly. I have priced out a couple of different brands but when all is said and done I'm looking at around $2500.00 (cdn). Would it be bad if I started with a 3 inch body lift and then added the 4 inch suspension lift after?

Yeah, buy the time you figure in tires, wheels, shocks, alignment, bushings and misc. other hardware , it gets to be pricey...I did the 2" body and ran the 235's for 6months.During the 6 months got the 2" suspension and saved for tires..My only problem was getting up the will-power to leave the suspension lift on the shelve until I could afford the tires I wanted...So much time, so little money...


so you know my pain then....there's so much to take into account. My buddy just modified his Cherokee with a 4" suspension lift and when all was said and cost him close to $3000.00. 'Course us Canadians have all the lovely taxes to pay and that doesn't help!
