body lift warning decal placement........ | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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body lift warning decal placement........

lounge lizard

Well-Known Member
December 13, 2010
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City, State
Eastern PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 xlt awd
I figured I'd put this here because it is an interior question so if the mods feel it needs to be move please do so.

I have my body lift warning decals and I have been dwelling over where I should put them? or should I just leave them off?

I know in my f-150 I never put them in because how big and burly the truck was.

and it does say to put them where all passenger can see them. so my question is:

have any of you who have body lifts on their trucks put these decals in? and where have you put them?

any pictures would be great! but just a reference point in the truck would work as well.

or do you just throw them out like I'm thinking of doing.

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I put mine on the side of my old toolbox. :D

I didn't get one?


O.K. I was thinking of just putting them on my box too! LOL

didn't get any?? I'll have to take a picture of them and post it up so you can see what they look like!

Did you get your stickers on yet?

wth is a body lift warning decal??

Never heard of 'em, but it doesn't surprise me that they exist. It's just the manufacturer's lawyers covering their ***** in case of lawsuits, in case you screw up the installation and cause an accident.

I'd like to see one....I never seen one on a truck....

I've been busier then a rock!

I have to get a picture of it and post it up

i put mine on my trash can, goes well with the hooters sticker and magnaflow ones

i had mine on my window pillar plastic but when it hit - 40 it fell off

here is the decal that came with the body lift.

I got two with the kit that was originally for a 1997 f-150


yea i donated mine to my lift lol


If I did in fact have one, I'd put it between these that I have on the back window.
It would give my passengers a feeling of security.

Ithink mine might be on my beer fridge:D

I was gonna say that would look good on my fridge!!

here is the decal that came with the body lift.

I got two with the kit that was originally for a 1997 f-150


The wording tells me that it ought to go on a head board of someone's bed.

that problem/no problem sticker should of been given instead :) i might have to get me one of them

mines on my ashtray

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Thanks for posting a picture of the decal.....I agree with Rookieshooter :D
