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BODY MODS (old skool style)

Here's my '97 Explorer 2wd 5-spd when I bought it

This the way she looked after the first round of mods

And now is under construction (heavily influinced by the likes of Gearge Barris, Ed Roth, Bill Hines etc.) with some old skool body mods.

With the help of a '94 Explorer Sport as a parts truck

I am building 'The One Ford Never Built' So here we go






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My phone pre-dates apps, you got an app for that?

yeah its called a new phone :)

Once you step over to the dark side.... once you get a smart phone you will wonder how you ever got along with out one.

My phone is water-proof, shock-proof, and 100% indestructible. I'll give it up when 1 of us dies. It goes through he!! everyday. I have to wash it with Superclean or Simple green after a day of work. Show me a smart phone that can hold up to what this one has for 6 years and I'll buy it.

Sorry about the high-jack.

is that a camero esk front end?

I didn't have time to finish the grille. I still have to weld up some vertical 'teeth' for it. My plan for it is something heavily inspired by a '51 Ford Truck front end.

Been two more months any update?

Not really, it's summer, I have too many other things on the go to get out to the garage.

Its okay, everyone can understand that.

ooh !!! me like this delivery truck good job you doing waiting for more pics and tellings about this truck

hans sweden

Been a long busy summer but finally got some time to get back on her.

Most would look at this and see a pile of scrap

I see an awesome grille

any updates on this awesome truck????

No, between being a lttle tired of it from rushing to get the body mods done for VanFest and haveing a dozen other projects on the go, I've been taking a break from it. Hopfully will be getting back on it after xmas but it's mostly tieing up a few loose ends and mud work so there still may not be much for updates.

This is defiantly different, can't wait to see it done.

been quite a while since last post but has there been any progress on this? it looks really awesome so far!

No, sorry still nothing. All my time and money are being spent on some "over due" projects around the house right now.

ah, i see, well just dont forget to post more on the thread once you do get around to working on it some more, looks liek an awesome progect!

No, sorry still nothing. All my time and money are being spent on some "over due" projects around the house right now.

When you're done, I expect you to come to Toronto and let me see that truck.
It looks great. A nice paintjob and you'll get a lot of looks.

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Just a suggestion because DjDom mentioned paint, if you are doing a delivery truck look, maybe do something with your company logo, liek make it look like an actual profesional delivery truck, the old panel trucks liek that usually had their company's logo painted on teh sides for advertising i think.. just an idea though.
