Boot for half shaft front wheel 2000 Sport 4x4 – how to get it even when re-clamping? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Boot for half shaft front wheel 2000 Sport 4x4 – how to get it even when re-clamping?


January 6, 2005
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Boot for half shaft front wheel 2000 Sport 4x4 – how to get it even when re-clamping?

Decided to check the front half shafts on my 2000 Sport 4x4 last night to make sure there was enough grease. Took the band off and pulled the larger boot away from the front wheel. The grease seems kind of “runny”, e.g. some of it started to drop away from the axle and boot (should it do this?). Is there a secret to easily getting the boot to properly realign? The grease was so “runny” that I probably have it in the grove that the boot fits into. As I tried to wipe the excess grease off, more would take its place before I could get the boot re-installed. It was hard to get the boot to stay even as I tightened the clamp. Should I try to get the grease out of the grove before trying to align the boot and clamp it?

What type of grease should I use if I wanted to add grease to the half shaft, e.g. will bearing grease work?
And should the grease be “runny” or more like new bearing grease?

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BigE said:
What type of grease should I use if I wanted to add grease to the half shaft, e.g. will bearing grease work?

I don't understand why you would of taken the boot off -- they are PITA to put back on. Bearing grease should not be used. There is specific grease used for CV axles. I would go up to a auto store and get some of this. It shouldn't be really runny - but unless you are having a noise from the axle, I don't understand why you would of taken it off. The only time you should be taking the boot off is to replace the boot. If you aren't getting noise/vibration from the axle, you shoulnd't of taken the boot off. It is an extreme b*tch to get it back on!

For future readers, DO NOT take the boot off unless you are replacing the boot!!

Well, I did not totally take it off (the boot). I did take one end loose and pull it back to check the condition of the grease and whether there was sufficient grease. I had gathered from some message traffic on this board that this was something you should occasionally do, (e.g. preventive maintenance), maybe not!!!. And describing the grease as “runny” was probably not quite accurate. But when I pulled the boot back it did start falling out. I was not expecting this, e.g. I thought any grease in there would be more like the consistency of axle grease, it would stay in place. But after thinking about it, I guess it needs to be of a consistency that will move around and lubricate the moving parts.

How full of grease should the boot be?
Also, I did add some axle grease to the mix while I had the boot loose, e.g. trying to fill some voids. Should I attempt to clean the axle grease out (I have not run it yet) or do you think it will mix OK and not hurt, I did not put more than a couple of table spoons in?

I think you'll be okay. Just in the future - don't do this!


Well its my day to screw up - it was not axle grease I mixed with the CV grease, it was wheel bearing grease - will this be OK, ref small amount put in, e.g. 2 -3 tablespoons worth? - or should I try and get it out? - I have not driven it yet

And how full of grease should the boot be?

Sorry I am being a little paranoid - just do not want to create a larger problem later!!!

I still think you will be okay. It's not the perferred stuff, but I think it'll do. Hope everything works out. Just fill it up as much as possible, you can't have enough.

